September 21, 2024

WuXi TIDES boosts oli­go, pep­tide of­fer­ings due to a rise in de­mand, with three new builds on­go­ing

Ings #Ings

BARCELONA — Oligonu­cleotide and pep­tide provider WuXi TIDES is in­creas­ing its ser­vice ca­pac­i­ty due to a rise in cus­tomers, par­tic­u­lar­ly from bio­phar­ma com­pa­nies that have as­sets pro­gress­ing in­to the clin­ic, chief busi­ness of­fi­cer Yu Lu said.

WuXi TIDES is ex­pand­ing its pro­duc­tion of oligonu­cleotides and pep­tides, as well as its man­u­fac­tur­ing of prod­ucts that use these ma­te­ri­als, Lu added on the side­lines of the Con­ven­tion of Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal In­gre­di­ents (CPHI) in Barcelona. This in­cludes three new builds and two fa­cil­i­ty ex­pan­sions.

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