January 12, 2025

WrestleMania 37 Night One: Seth Rollins Vs. Cesaro

Cesaro #Cesaro

Cesaro vs. Seth Rollins

We go back to the ring and out comes Seth Rollins. He hits the ring and pyro goes off. We get videos showing what led to this match. Cesaro is out next to pyro and another big pop.

Cesaro immediately charges with a big uppercut. He goes for an early Cesaro Swing but can’t get it. Cesaro with more offense but Rollins blocks another Swing attempt. Cesaro hits a big corkscrew springboard uppercut for a pop. Rollins tries to get a breather on the floor but Cesaro stops him and rocks him with a knee. More back and forth now. Rollins with a big Buckle Bomb for a 2 count.

Cesaro fights up with strikes in the middle of the ring. Rollins sends him to the apron but Cesaro rocks him. Cesaro goes to the top but Rollins runs up and nails a big superplex. Rollins holds it and goes right into Falcon Arrow for a close 2 count.

They trade more stiff offense now. Cesaro unloads with uppercuts in the corner as fans cheer him on and the referee warns him. Cesaro backs off and plays to the crowd for a pop. Cesaro with a big running uppercut into the opposite corner, and again. Cesaro levels Rollins with a clothesline for a 2 count. Cesaro plays to the crowd for another pop. They want to see Rollins swing. Rollins blocks the Swing and rolls him for a 2 count. Cesaro tries again but Rollins gets the bottom rope. Rollins counters a move and lands on his feet, dropping Cesaro with an enziguri.

Cesaro blocks the Stomp and this time he nails the Cesaro Swing for a big pop as fans count along. Cesaro’s arm is bothering him. Fans chant “one more time!” now. Cesaro goes for the Neutralizer in the middle of the ring but it’s blocked. Cesaro hits the turnbuckle with the running uppercut. Rollins springboards in with a knee to the face. Rollins with a Slingblade. Rollins goes on and hits a big corkscrew splash for a close 2 count.

Cesaro blocks the Ripcord and nails the Neutralizer in the middle of the ring for a close 2 count. Cesaro shows some frustration now. Cesaro with big strikes now. Rollins blocks another Neutralizer attempt and drops Cesaro with The Pedigree for another close pin attempt.

Rollins wastes some time, showing off and bragging. Cesaro tries to capitalize but Rollins goes on. Rollins ends up dropping Cesaro with a kick to the back of the neck but Cesaro hangs on. Rollins waits in the corner for Cesaro to get up. He charges for the big Stomp but Cesaro turns it into a big uppercut. Cesaro with Rollins on his shoulders now, spinning him around for his UFO move, with no arms. Cesaro dumps Rollins to the mat and then stands tall for another pop.

Cesaro with another big Swing in the middle of the ring now as fans count along. Cesaro breaks his own record with the number of swings, then nails the Neutralizer in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winner: Cesaro

This is from our live coverage of WrestleMania 37 Night One. You can click here to access our full coverage post with your feedback and Viewing Party…

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