Wordle Today #518 Hints, Tips and Answer for Saturday, November 19
Good Saturday #GoodSaturday

© Brandon Bell/GETTY The word game Wordle is shown on a mobile phone on January 12, 2022 in Houston, Texas. Newsweek has some hints and tips to help you crack today’s puzzle.
It’s been more than a year since New York software developer Josh Wardle first released Wordle to the public in October 2021, yet the game’s popularity shows few signs of abating.
Wordle’s simplicity is surely a big part of its appeal. Each day the player has to guess a new five letter word, in six attempts or less. After each guess the letters light up, letting you know how accurate you were. If a letter goes green it is both in the word, and in the position you placed it. Yellow means the letter features, but in a different position, whilst gray tells you it’s not included at all.
Speaking to Newsweek in January, Wardle encouraged Wordle players to play around with different techniques.
He said: “I would encourage people to experiment with different ideas and to find their own [starting] words, rather than just sticking to the same proven tactics over and over again.”
Also in January the New York Times purchased Wordle, for an unspecified seven figure sum.
Wordle’s popularity has helped inspire a number of other online puzzles, such as Worldle for geography enthusiasts and Nerdle for fans of math-based puzzles.
The answer to today’s puzzle will be revealed at the end of this article, so scroll down with caution if you want to work it out for yourself. To help you solve today’s Wordle, Newsweek has provided some hints and tips on the latest puzzle.
‘Wordle’ #518 Tips and Clues for Saturday, November 19
Wordle players can use these five hints to solve puzzle #518.
Hint #1: The answer contains two vowels.
Hint #2: There are no repeated letters.
Hint #3: Synonyms for today’s word include “avoid,” “deter” and “fend off.”
Hint #4: The third letter is a vowel.
Hint #5: There is no ‘I’ in team. The same applies to today’s answer.
‘Wordle’ #518 Answer for Saturday, November 19
The answer to today’s Wordle is “avert.”
After yesterday’s real brainteaser (not that we’re bitter about ‘glyph’ but, come on), Saturday’s puzzle was a good deal easier, with the two commonly used vowels helping. Did you get it? If so, congratulations. But please don’t worry if not. One of the beauties of Wordle is seeing how you can improve your performance over time. Either way, we hope to see you again tomorrow for the latest Wordle challenge.
What Does ‘Avert’ Mean?
The Cambridge University Dictionary defines avert as “to prevent something bad from happening.”
For example: “To avert a crisis.”
The next Wordle puzzle will be available at 7 p.m. ET, when the daily update occurs.
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