September 20, 2024

Will “El Niño” Give The East Coast The Winter It Has Long Awaited?

El Niño #ElNiño

Fall time is prime season for snowboarders to eagerly await the arrival of bold winter weather forecasts. As snowboarding enthusiasts, we anchor our aspirations for future thrilling powder runs in well-documented natural occurrences. “El Niño” and “La Niña” serve as buzz words to facilitate a guiding lights for our optimistic, powder filled dreams.

Weather At A Glance, a YouTube channel dedicated to the science of meteorology, brings encouraging news to East Coast snowboarders that goes beyond mere speculation. According to the winter forecast for 2023-2024, the presence of El Niño suggests a heightened likelihood of Nor’easters—powerful storms capable of delivering substantial snowfall across the Northeastern region.

The prospect of future Nor’easters is likely to have East Coast snowboarders doing their happy dance in oversized snow boots. It’s like Mother Nature finally decided to give us a snow globe shake after last year’s forgettable winter. The incoming El Niño, alongside other meteorological mischief-makers, is playing a cruel joke on the Northern Rockies, predicting a season of warm and dry misery for them.

According to the meteorological gurus at Weather At A Glance, states like in the west like Idaho, Montana, and Washington are going to get the short end of the snow measuring stick. Meanwhile, Utah, Colorado, and Nevada should expect “mild, occasionally wet” conditions, which in snowboarder lingo translates to “not that sick.” California, our golden state of unpredictability that had such a massive winter most recently, is scheduled for a “wet” winter, leaving us to wonder if their idea of a “wet” winter will actually be from the tears of all those people who flocked to Mammoth from LA last year.

And as for Nor’easters, they’re apparently going to be regular party crashers in the Northeast, making snowboarders in that region feel like they’re starring in their own “Winter Storm Edition” reality show. So, get your boards ready, folks—it’s going to be a rollercoaster ride of a winter!

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