October 6, 2024

Why has the BBC given Shamima Begum a podcast? They would never give one to Tommy Robinson

Tommy Robinson #TommyRobinson

CONGRATULATIONS to the BBC for its incredible coup in securing the services of Shamima Begum.

You might remember Shamima. She’s the girl from London who ran off to join Islamic State.

The has been slammed for giving Shamima Begum a podcast in which she says: 'I'm so much more than ISIS'


The has been slammed for giving Shamima Begum a podcast in which she says: ‘I’m so much more than ISIS’Credit: BBC The BBC wouldn’t DREAM of ever giving a podcast to Tommy Robinson, would they?


The BBC wouldn’t DREAM of ever giving a podcast to Tommy Robinson, would they?Credit: PA

They were the psychopathic maniacs who held most of Syria and part of Iraq in their grip of terror.

Fundamentalist Muslim terrorists who enjoyed nothing more than a bit of head-chopping, inshallah.

Shamima got tired of them when it was evident they were losing the war. Decided she’d really like to come back to Blighty.

We won’t let her in because . . . because she’s a terrorist. Seems reasonable enough to me.

But the BBC has given her a ten-part podcast to explain her life. And why she finds demented murderers quite hunky, presumably.

Pretty remarkable, isn’t it? Your licence fee given over to hearing the empty self-justifications of this deluded woman who joined an organisation which wished to see us all dead — and the black flag of ISIS flying over our Parliament.

It wouldn’t surprise me if she turned up on Strictly next — or maybe Desert Island Discs.

Somehow, the BBC thinks this is all OK. This is because the institution is deeply, and sadly irrevocably, politically biased.

They wouldn’t DREAM of ever giving a podcast to Tommy Robinson, would they?

The BBC is also naive — hopelessly gullible. It swallows any and every right-on cause without question.

A bunch of serious academics recently attacked the Beeb for putting only one side of the story when dealing with our country’s history.

They said it always seems to present “a negative view of British history, and especially of its relations with the non-European world from which British citizens of ethnic-minority backgrounds and their ancestors originally came”.

This was especially true when dealing with the slave trade, they said.

Too right. I’ve lost count of the number of people I’ve met who think the UK was the only country involved in slavery.

‘Beyond a joke’

That’s all the consequence of the relent-less propaganda we’re fed about our sup-posed wickedness.

Anyway, programmes by Romesh Ran-ganathan and Samuel L. Jackson were singled out for particular criticism.

I think those academics ought to tune in to Radio 4 a little more often.

The level of wokeness there dwarfs — if it’s OK to use that word — anything you’ll see on BBC1.

Then there’s the LGBTQI stuff. This week a bunch of angry BBC producers have complained about influence wielded by the internal organisation BBC Pride.

This is, they say, a group of employees relentless in pushing a radical pro-transgender agenda. It seems this lot actually interfere in programmes being made, to make sure they toe the right line. Why does anyone, anywhere, take the slightest notice of them?

I dunno, maybe they should get Shamima Begum or one of her Islamic State comrades to put the other side of the trans debate. Include it in one of her podcasts.

Listen, I know the BBC has always been leftish. But it is coming beyond a joke — indeed, beyond endurance.

Whoever thought it was a good idea to give an Isis terrorist their own show should be politely instructed to find a job somewhere else.


IT’S all very well for Rishi Sunak to say it’s not his job to negotiate pay rises with the train unions.

But while he’s shrugging his shoulders, the strikes are costing the UK billions of quid – probably more than he’d have spent if they’d just agreed a wage rise.

And people have been put off using the trains at all – because you just can’t depend upon them.

Time to act, Prime Minister. Time to get things moving.

The greatest player ever? Terry’s all gold Rod Liddle's pick for the greatest British footballer of all time is Millwall’s Terry Hurlock


Rod Liddle’s pick for the greatest British footballer of all time is Millwall’s Terry Hurlock

I’VE been enjoying The Sun’s attempts to identify the greatest British footballer of all time.

There have been plenty of decent suggestions. Bobby Moore, George Best and Paul Gascoigne?

Or maybe Steven Gerrard or Gareth Bale? One name stands out for me, though. A player of great tenacity and no little skill. And yet nobody has nominated him so far.

Step forward, Millwall’s Terry Hurlock.


COMPANIES Going Woke (part 347).

Unilever make a brand of soap called Lux. The company’s blurb says the soap inspires “women to rise above everyday sexist judgments and express their beauty and femininity unapologetically”.

Really? A bar of soap can do all that? Isn’t that incredible? Have you ever read anything more utterly fatuous?

I wonder what claims they make for their toothpaste. “Inspiring people the world over to free themselves from the shackles of slavery and overthrow the capitalist system.”

I think someone in head office ought to have a word.

Harry, it’s time to say sorry

BY the time you read this, I suspect the Ginger Whinger will have delivered himself of further moans and gripes about the Royal Family.

How the dog blamed him for breaking its bowl, maybe.

I have the feeling that one day – maybe quite soon – Harry will deeply regret what he’s done


I have the feeling that one day – maybe quite soon – Harry will deeply regret what he’s doneCredit: Getty

How William once shook his hand, concealing an electric buzzer in his palm. “It was a shock which stays with me to this day.”

How the corgis looked at Meghan funny.

How his dad, King Charles, once bought William a big bag of Monster Munch but only gave Harry some Wotsits.

“I was desolated. The memory still haunts me. I will not forget Willy digging into those crisps. They were pickled onion flavour, too.”

Never has a public figure’s reputation been so thoroughly shredded. And the poor bloke’s done it all himself.

Hours upon hours of self-obsessed whining. Petty spite directed at members of his family.

Now even the liberal Americans and the young folks over here have had enough of him.

Utter delusion

The problem is, he’s a bit, y’know, dim – and very, very entitled. That’s not an attractive mix.

Everything is someone else’s fault – he is never to blame.And everyone’s got it in for him and his missus, and they’ve done nothing wrong.

It is an utterly bizarre delusion.

And everyone sees through it. Even those Republicans who want the Royal Family strung up can’t bear Harry’s moaning any more.

I have the feeling that one day – maybe quite soon – Harry will deeply regret what he’s done. The damage he’s caused.

But in the meantime, we ought to get a bit real, as Harry is unable to. He should be stripped of his princely title.

Why would he want to be part of a family and institution he so clearly loathes?

And there should be no invitation to his dad’s coronation.

Or, at least, not until a very long and heartfelt apology is forthcoming. From YOU, Harry – not anybody else.


THE Sir Francis Drake School is changing its name because of the great explorer’s involvement in slavery.

The primary school in South London will in future be known as the “Twin Oaks” school.

I assume they’ve researched the past of these trees.

And made sure they weren’t slave owners too. Or maybe misgendered somebody.

Nobody – apart from maybe a few dodgy states – supports slavery.

Nobody thinks that Drake was a top bloke for his dealings in it.

But he did a lot more than that, which is why we remember him.Teachers should know better than anybody the dangers of erasing history.

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