September 22, 2024

White House Twitter Account Becomes Key Weapon in Biden’s MAGA Fight Back


The White House Twitter account has become more aggressive towards former President Donald Trump and his supporters in recent weeks.

The Twitter page, which would previously only give updates on President Joe Biden’s latest appearances and speeches, has turned to actively criticizing opponents.

Biden made a speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia on Thursday and said Trump and Make America Great Again (MAGA) supporters were a threat to the future of the the U.S.

Despite the attack, Biden clarified that he did not feel Republicans in general or the majority of Republicans posed a threat.

However, the White House Twitter page criticized MAGA supporters and their beliefs.

“The MAGA agenda is focused on dragging our country backward” a tweet read.

“195 House Republicans voted against the Right to Contraception Act. 157 House Republicans voted against the Respect for Marriage Act,” it said. “Republicans in Congress praised the Supreme Court for overturning Roe v. Wade.”

“MAGA Republican elected officials refuse to accept the results of free and fair elections,” another tweet from the White House read.

“147 Congressional Republicans voted to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

“MAGA Republicans in Congress view the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6 as patriots,” a third tweet read.

“On the anniversary of the violent insurrection, Congressman Matt Gaetz said ‘We’re proud of the work that we did on January 6 to make legitimate arguments about election integrity.”

The White House has defended the rhetoric being pushed by its Twitter page.

This came after Republicans criticized Biden’s plan to eliminate some student loan debt for many Americans.

In one instance the White House shared that some Republicans that had denounced Biden’s plan, including Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene and Pennsylvania Representative Mike Kelly, have had loans forgiven through the Paycheck Protection Program. (PPP)

White House spokeswoman Alexandra LaManna spoke to Newsweek on this matter and said: “We’ve never hesitated to call out hypocrisy, and we’re not going to stop now.

“It’s important to make clear that many of the same people calling student loan debt relief—which will help the middle class and working families by giving them more breathing room—a bailout for the wealthy had no issue with loan bailouts that benefited their own companies.”

Thomas Gift, an associate professor in Political Science at University College London told Newsweek that the shift in rhetoric reflects Biden’s administration realizing they can’t win over Trump diehards.

“There’s no dispute that Biden has taken a less accommodating tone towards his opponents of late,” he said.

“To an extent, it reflects a more realist approach to America’s polarization problem.

“Although Biden may have had high hopes for ‘converting’ the far-right when he came into office, he’s finally, and belatedly, come to the realization that he’s never going to win over Trump diehards.

“That gives him more latitude to criticize them.”

He also highlighted that Biden is still attempting to showcase that he can work with some Republicans, as highlighted in his speech.

“Biden has coupled that more aggressive rhetoric by being more deliberate in distinguishing moderates from ‘ultra-MAGA’ voters and by extending an olive branch to ‘mainstream’ Republicans,” Gift added.

Newsweek has contacted the White House for comment.

In this combined image a supporter of former President Donald Trump shows his MAGA hat, left, during during a rally in Wellington, Ohio on June 26, 2021 and U.S. President Joe Biden, right, delivers a primetime speech on Thursday in Philadelphia. Stephen Zenner and Alex Wong/Getty

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