September 21, 2024

‘Where is good news in Brexit?’ Andrew Neil probe has Davis blame Remainers for struggle

Remainers #Remainers

Brexit: Andrew Neil asks ‘where is good news?’

In a tense exchange, Andrew Neil confronted former Brexit negotiator David Davis on the benefits of Brexit at this stage, as the UK’s economy is set to drop this year.  Discussing the benefits of Brexit, Andrew Neil confronted former Brexit negotiator David Davis: “What is the good news on the Brexit you got us into?” Mr Davis squirmed: “I think I’ll come back to that in a year and answer that question when we’re out of Covid.”

Mr Neil cut him off, noting: “We’ve already been out of two and half years.”

But the former Brexit Secretary retorted: “And we haven’t been out of Covid for two and a half years.”

The broadcaster then answered: “No, but we’ve been out and we’re going to do worse than most other major economies, according to the IMF and the OECD.

“Where’s the good news?”

Andrew Neil and David Davis

Andrew Neil confronted David Davis on the benefits of Brexit (Image: TWITTER/@Channel4)

Andrew Neil and David Davis

Andrew Neil asked David Davis: ““What is the good news on the Brexit you got us into?” (Image: TWITTER/@Channel4)

Mr Davis said: “You think? You think? I’m not sure that’s right.”

The Channel 4 presenter said: “I’m only reporting what they’re saying. The bit that’s staying in the Single Market of the UK is doing well, and the rest of us are languishing. I ask again: where’s the good news in this Brexit business?”

Mr Davis repeated: “Ask me back in a year and I’ll give you an answer on that.”

Andrew Neil then said: “Can’t you give us an answer now after you made us take this enormous decision?”

David Davis hit back: “Well, it’s partly because we have a remainers Brexit. We have the Brexit that Theresa May handed off to Boris Johnson with all of the holes in it that shouldn’t have been there.

“And that’s what happened there. That’s why I resigned, after all. That’s why I stepped down.”

READ MORE: UK could face wrath of retaliatory tariffs from EU over NI Protocol

David Davis

David Davis is the former Brexit negotiator (Image: TWITTER/@Channel4)

Andrew Neil

Andrew Neil asked what was the good news about Brexit (Image: TWITTER/@Channel4)

“Let me give you a third chance”, Andrew Neil then said. “Give me one major benefit of Brexit as things stand tonight.”

David Davis replied: “Well, our ability to make trade agreements with the rest of the world.”

The interview sparked a backlash, with Andrew Adones demanding David Davis resign for “serious abuse of public office.”

He wrote on Twitter: “This is a real disgrace. He won’t say what the benefits of Brexit are. And when pressed he says it’s because – wait for it – ‘we had a remainers’ Brexit.’

“He should resign as an MP for serious abuse of public office.”

According to the IMF, Britain’s GDP growth will fall to 3.7 percent from the 4.7 percent predicted in January.

Those figures will plummet in 2023 with a GPD growth of 1.2 percent – almost half what was previously predicted.

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Brexit timeline

Brexit formally came into force in January 2021 (Image: EXPRESS)

Similarly, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OCDE) forecasts a 3.6 percent economic growth this year followed by 0 percent next year.

With those figures, the UK will become the slowest growing industrial country in 2023.

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss is expected to unveil a bill on Northern Ireland that could put the UK’s economy further at risk.

Boris Johnson’s Government has threatened with overriding some parts of the Northern Ireland Protocol, a key part of the Brexit agreement, to resolve the ongoing political crisis in Northern Ireland.

In response, EU’s Brexit Commissioner Maros Sefcovic said the EU will respond “with all the measures at its disposal”, suggesting a potential trade war.

While it remains unclear what measures the EU could adopt, a trade war would take a toll on the UK’s economy which has already seen a record £20billion drop in exports to EU countries last year, according to the ONS.

Some Tory rebels, who voted against Boris Johnson in last week’s confidence vote, have suggested that re-joining the EU’s Single Market could ease the cost-of-living crisis.

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