October 6, 2024

What is biphobia, homophobia and transphobia?

Transphobia and Biphobia #TransphobiaandBiphobia

The LGBT+ community is sadly still subject to verbal and physical abuse on occasion, but raising awareness of what biphobia, homophobia and transphobia is can help those who suffer from prejudice

The LGBTQA+ community continues to suffer from abuse (

Image: AFP via Getty Images)

It’s International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, helping to raise awareness of LGBTQA+ rights around the world.

Each year, the LGBTQA+ community continues to make strides towards greater tolerance, inclusion and diversity in society.

However, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia still exists.

Some of these terms may be familiar, while others are not, but they all can cause real distress and emotional pain for people.

Understanding these sexualities can help understand what leads to the forms they can take and how to challenge them.

What is homophobia? Homophobia is prejudice against gay people (


Getty Images)

Homophobia is the dislike or prejudice against gay people.

It encompasses a wide variety of negative attitudes and feelings towards homosexuality or people who are perceived as being gay or lesbian. Homophobic abuse also includes violence.

The forms this can take range from the joking to harsh comments, such as:

  • Jokes such as ‘that’s so gay’
  • Assuming people are heterosexual when you meet them
  • Suggesting LGBTQA+ people are sexually ‘deviant’
  • What is biphobia? Biphobia is prejudice against bisexual people (


    David Haber/scunthorpelive)

    Biphobia is the dislike or prejudice against bisexual people.

    One of the most common forms of biphobia is refusing to acknowledge bisexuality as a genuine sexual orientation.

    It can also include negative stereotypes, and other forms of hate such as:

  • Saying ‘it’s just a phase’ to someone who has come out as bisexual
  • Saying ‘you’re just too embarrassed to say you’re gay’
  • Saying ‘you can’t be bisexual because you only date one gender’
  • What is transphobia? Transphobia is prejudice against transsexual or transgender people (


    Getty Images/iStockphoto)

    Transphobia is the dislike or prejudice against transsexual or transgender people.

    This can take the form of negative attitudes or feelings towards the trans community, or negative actions against members of it.

    Misgendering people deliberately is one of the simplest forms of transphobia, but it also takes forms such as:

  • Refusing service to a trans person to services appropriate to their gender identity
  • Claiming a trans man/woman isn’t a ‘real’ woman
  • Saying ‘you don’t look trans’ to a trans person as an intended compliment
  • If you are suffering from any of the above, LGBTQA+ organisation stonewall.org.uk can help provide support.

    They also have a helpline open 9:30am – 4.30pm on 08000 50 20 20

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