September 19, 2024

Western Allies Offer Support, Iran Denies Role: Latest on Israel-Hamas Conflict

Quint #Quint

The group – termed the “Quint International Organisation” – extended their support to Israel “in its efforts to defend itself and its people against such atrocities. We further emphasize that this is not a moment for any party hostile to Israel to exploit these attacks to seek advantage.”

While condemning Hamas, the statement did acknowledge the “legitimate aspirations” of the Palestinian people. It emphasized a collective recognition of the just aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians for justice and freedom. However, it underscored that Hamas does not represent these aspirations and offers nothing to the Palestinian people except further terror and violence.

Since the conflict erupted on Saturday, 7 October, reports indicate that over 900 individuals have lost their lives in Israel, with over 650 casualties in Gaza. Israel’s foreign ministry has stated that more than 100 individuals have been taken hostage by Hamas.

Earlier on Monday, UK’s Sunak pledged to offer diplomatic, intelligence, or security assistance to Israel if requested, following his leadership of an emergency Cabinet Office Briefing Rooms meeting.

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