September 22, 2024

We have all been the one dude in the Minnesota Orchestra who dressed for Halloween

City Pages #CityPages

But do you know what is very good? This exquisitely awkward Halloween photo featuring the Minnesota Orchestra and violist Sam Bergman.

Earlier this week, Bergman responded to a tweet asking for the “best Halloween costume/cosplay you’ve ever done.” Maybe this lil number was not, itself, brilliant, but man oh man did it look striking in a sea of string players in dignified concert black.

Bergman can explain. This was actually the second night of a weekend run in 2017, and the orchestra was doing something fun and poppy for the season: Raiders of the Lost Ark in Concert. The audience got to enjoy the orchestra’s sweeping score while watching Indy do his bullwhip tricks in the background.

Players were allowed – though not required – to dress up for the holiday. On the first night, plenty of them did. On the second… not so much.

“Only a handful of us showed up in costume,” Bergman says, “And mine was definitely the most, shall we say, revealing.”

Look, we’ve all been there. Nobody likes to be the only dumbass vampire hanging out in a cubicle when Halloween falls on a Wednesday. But these things do happen.

And in Bergman’s case, it certainly didn’t help that he glowed like a lightbulb under the stage lights, surrounded by a bunch of people who decided to dress like normies that evening. To make matters worse, most of the other people in costume were on the far side of the stage, hanging out with the violins.

It was, in Bergman’s words, “not unstressful.”

“So I was pretty much alone at stage left,” Bergman says. “It was definitely a bit of a terrifying realization when I got out on stage. But I’m the one who decided to wear the costume, and it did get me a great story with accompanying photo!”

No argument there. Bergman’s pain is apparently our gain, and the internet has rewarded him with clout in the form of likes and retweets.

Many compared Bergman’s faux pas to this amazing photo of writer Katie Dippold dressed up as the Babadook at a fancy grownup wine party, which we have included here simply because it is the single most powerful image we have ever seen.

Here’s hoping this year, your Halloween is safe, spooky, and appropriately dressed… or, at the very least, funny in about three years.

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