September 21, 2024

We don’t need the lights to dance

minghao #minghao

Jeonghan working from home didn’t mean he didn’t have to go out sometimes. That day he had spent it running around in between meetings and company dinners, and he was exhausted. Being exhausted was one of those things he liked to avoid. He tried to be efficient, saving as much of his mental and physical energy as he could, because when he didn’t… Well, it was like suddenly everything was exhausting. It became a battle, trying to convince himself that he just had to make it to their floor, just had to make it to their apartment, just had to make it to the girls’ room.

He sighed quietly, watching them sleep on their beds. It was always a miracle when Eunyeong fell asleep without complications, so he didn’t want to wake her up. It was what, two or three in the morning? He reeked of alcohol and cigarette smoke and desperately craved a shower but was worried about waking everyone else up. He looked at the girls again, mentally wishing them good dreams before leaving the flat and heading towards his own. He never quite made it.

“You’re home?” Minghao was peeking out from the door to the flat he lived in. He was wearing his pajamas and his hair was a little mussed. Leave it to him to still be awake at this hour and notice Jeonghan had just made it home.

“Unn, what are you doing awake?”Jeonghan stopped in front of his door, hesitating to go inside. He hadn’t seen any of his boys in the entire day.

“It’s only like, three in the morning, hyung,” Minghao rolled his eyes, in that particular way he did when you had asked something silly. Jeonghan couldn’t help but smile.

“Of course,” he looked down at the doorknob. A hand wrapped around his wrist, bringing his attention back up. “What?”

Jeonghan knew Minghao could see past all of him, and truly see his exhaustion and his annoyance and his everything. Curse him for being so perceptive. Minghao’s hand pried his from the doorknob and pulled him along towards his flat. Jeonghan didn’t complain. Truth be told, he was a bit divided, not knowing if he wanted to be left alone or if he wanted the company the other was offering. 

Still, Jeonghan closed the door behind them, allowing the darkness to wrap around them. Had Minghao been walking through the apartment in complete darkness like this? A hand pried his suitcase away from him, and he heard the thud of it dropping against the floor. Then, Minghao was pulling him forward again into what was presumably the living room.

He let out a little yelp when a hand grabbed his hip. Minghao’s other hand was still holding onto his right hand, and his left hand went instinctively on Minghao’s shoulder. Before he could even say anything, Minghao was guiding him into a slow and somewhat clumsy dance. Jeonghan frowned slightly, both from confusion and from straining to see the other’s face.

“What are you doing?” He asked, with a bit of skepticism to his voice.

“Dancing, obviously,” Minghao scoffed, and Jeonghan didn’t need to look at him properly to know he had rolled his eyes again.

“We don’t have music,” Jeonghan pointed out.

“We don’t need music to dance,” Minghao shrugged, spinning them around.

“It’s completely dark in here,” he excused again. Minghao let out an exasperated huff before he bumped their foreheads together, making Jeonghan hiss.

“We don’t need the lights to dance,” Minghao explained. 

His voice had such finality to it that Jeonghan didn’t dare complain again. Instead, he let Minghao grab both of his hands and push him away before pulling him back in. Then, he was letting go of one of his hands to spin him around. Jeonghan tried to keep a serious face, but he found himself grinning soon enough. This was so silly, but perhaps it was because of that that it made him happy.

Minghao pulled slightly and Jeonghan rolled right into his arms. He chuckled softly when Minghao leaned in to kiss him but failed, kissing only his upper lip. He unrolled him again, but this time, Jeonghan tripped. It was definitely too dark to be doing this, and yet, he wasn’t surprised when Minghao caught him with an arm wrapped around his waist, before he could fully topple to the ground.

Jeonghan raised a hand and traced Minghao’s facial features in the darkness as he helped him incorporate. He was careful, gentle, finding his eyelids, his nose, and his lips. Minghao did the same, stopping on Jeonghan’s lips so he could kiss him properly this time. It was soft, and slow. Full lips against full lips. Minghao’s hands were holding his face, guiding him into the kiss as they tilted his head just enough to deepen the kiss.

He let Minghao guide him. Jeonghan was so tired and he wanted to be taken care of. He wanted to forget for a second that he was a working adult and one of the oldest in their relationship. And Minghao helped him forget. He licked his lips open. He left him completely breathless. He peppered his face in kisses and whispered that he loved him and Jeonghan felt light again.

“You’re beautiful,” Minghao whispered against his lips. His breath made him feel ticklish, and he smiled wide.

“You can’t even see me,” Jeonghan argued.

“You’re so stubborn,” Minghao kissed him again, barely a soft peck. “I don’t need to see you to know you’re beautiful.”

“I love you,” Jeonghan said against Minghao’s lips as he kissed him again. 

He felt the way Minghao’s lips curled up into a smile as he muttered an ‘I love you’ back.

“Let’s go take a bath, hmm? I’ll wash your hair and then you can sleep with me and Seokmin.”

“Sounds promising,” Jeonghan agreed, once again letting Minghao guide him, this time towards the bathroom.

It was quite late, but Minghao didn’t rush him as he took his bath, taking the time to wash his hair with gentleness and care. Neither of them would probably sleep more than a few hours, but Jeonghan was so grateful for this moment with him. Being in a relationship with 12 other grown and chaotic men made it surprisingly difficult to have private moments with each of them, especially now that they were raising two beautiful daughters. Jeonghan made a mental note to make time for dates with the others.

When he was clean and dry, Minghao lent him some clothes to sleep in, and then they made their way to bed. Seokmin was already asleep, but he woke up long enough to demand a kiss from Jeonghan, since he hadn’t seen him at all that day. Jeonghan obliged, giving him a soft peck after having settled in the center of the bed. It took Seokmin no time to wrap a leg around Jeonghan and fall back into a deep slumber.

Minghao and him exchanged a look of entertainment. Then, Minghao crawled on top of Jeonghan to kiss the top of Seokmin’s head before settling next to the oldest. Jeonghan grabbed Minghao’s hand and kissed the back of it before squeezing it softly. Minghao wrapped an arm around his middle, his hand resting on Seokmin’s hip, so that Jeonghan was perfectly squished between the two of them.

Jeonghan huffed softly as he closed his eyes. It was good to be home.

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