March 22, 2025

We Broke down Jermaine Jenas’ ‘Get Ready for Summer’ Bodyweight Core Workout

Jenas #Jenas

It’s snowing in the UK this week. So while we’re sure getting your six-pack ready for the Summer is the last thing on your mind, Jermaine Jenas is already hard at work. Over on his IG, the former professional footballer and presenter shared a core workout with the message, ‘It might be freezing now, but summer is right around the corner.’

In fairness, Jenas’ circuit works every part of the core and will ensure he (and you if you do it too) will have a sculpted set of abs when it’s shirts-off season.

Better still, you can complete all the exercises with zero equipment and from the comfort of your home. Below, we break down the workout for you to try.

jermaine jenas © @jjenas – Instagram jermaine jenas Russian Twists & Leg Extension

  • This exercise primarily works the obliques, rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis. However, it also works the entirety of your core which comprises of the hip flexors and erector spinae as well. The addition of the leg extension during each twist encourages the core to work harder on each rep. We recommend 3-4 sets of 12-20 reps depending on your fitness level.
  • jermaine jenas © @jjenas – Instagram jermaine jenas

    Single Leg Jack Knives

  • A variation of everyone’s favourite core exercise; the jack knife. This single leg version predominantly works the rectus abdominis, however with the additional torso twist you are getting some more focussed oblique work in your training. We recommend 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.
  • jermaine jenas © @jjenas – Instagram jermaine jenas Walkout to Shoulder Tap

  • The shoulder tap is a fantastic exercise to work your core in an ‘anti’ fashion. What this means is that during the high plank position you are forced to resist any twisting of the abdominals. This is called ‘anti-rotation’. The combination of this and the walkout for ‘anti-extension’, challenges your core in multiple directions. We recommend 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.
  • jermaine jenas © @jjenas – Instagram jermaine jenas Plank Knee Twists

  • Jermaine Jenas clearly put this workout together with a focus on the oblique muscles to perhaps work towards the coveted ‘v-cut abs’. The plank knee twists create a great oblique burn when done correctly. He completes the exercise slowly and under control in order to skyrocket intensity. We recommend 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.
  • jermaine jenas © @jjenas – Instagram jermaine jenas Heel Touches

  • Another oblique exercise, albeit a little lower in intensity, to finish his circuit. Heel touches isolate the oblique muscles a little further and are a good exercise selection to tail at the end of a tough circuit. We recommend 3-4 sets of 12-20 reps.
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