September 21, 2024

Watch “Macho Man” Randy Savage’s Inspiring Answer to “Do You Cry?”

Macho Man #MachoMan

There has never been another wrestler quite like the Macho Man. Competing for the World Wrestling Federation from 1985 until 1994, “Macho Man” Randy Savage reigned as WWF Intercontinental Champion for 414 days before pursuing the WWF World Heavyweight Title. While chasing the big belt, Savage also became King of the Ring. This regal status garnered significant cheers for Savage, who became such a fan favorite that he had no choice but to embrace being a babyface. The fans’ admiration for Savage’s strength, wardrobe, and charisma put the Macho Man on a pedestal that few reach in their in-ring careers.

That said, it didn’t mean Savage was void of human emotions. As shared on Twitter, Savage once gave a vulnerable response on The Arsenio Hall Show when asked if he ever cries.

“Oh yeah. Uh huh. It’s okay for macho men to show every emotion available right there you know, because I’ve cried a thousand times and I’m going to cry some more,” Savage shared 30 years ago. “But I’ve soared with the eagles and I’ve slept with the snakes and I’ve been everywhere in between. And I’m going to tell you something right now. There’s one guarantee in life and that’s that there are no guarantees. And you got to understand this: nobody likes a quitter. Nobody said life was easy. So if you get knocked down, take the standing eight count and get back up and fight again, and you’re a macho man. Dig it.”

This particular interview aired on July 13, 1992, which would have been in the middle of a difficult period of Savage’s life. Savage and then-wife Miss Elizabeth separated in the spring of that year, and would officially divorce that September.

Savage’s 1992 would continue in the ring, as the Macho Man drifted away from his commentary role and back into the ring. He would unite with his former rival, The Ultimate Warrior, to form the Ultimate Maniacs. Once Monday Night Raw began airing, Savage returned to the announce table in a permanent capacity before departing for World Championship Wrestling.

The Macho Man has never been a stranger to memorable quotes. From his “snap into a Slim Jim!” bit for the meat stick’s famous commercial to his “oooh yeah” and “dig it” catchphrases, Savage was never short on his sayings.

“Don’t worry if there is no one to pat your back,” Savage once said. “You can always give yourself a pat on the back to appreciate yourself.”

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