January 14, 2025

Watch live: PM Hipkins to speak after surveying Auckland damage

Auckland #Auckland


Prime minister Chris Hipkins has confirmed there are three deaths linked to the extreme weather event in Auckland over the past 24 hours. There is also at least one person missing.

Speaking at a press conference in Auckland, Hipkins said the priority was to make sure Aucklanders were safe, housed and had access to all emergency services.

“The MetService has confirmed that yesterday was Auckland’s wettest day on record,” said Hipkins. “We want to ensure that Auckland’s infrastructure is back up and running as quickly as possible.”

It’s clear that it’s going to be a big clean up job, the prime minister said. “The loss of life underscores the sheer scale of this weather event and how quickly it turned tragic.” Hipkins reminded Aucklanders to stay out of the floodwater, and away from the beach, saying more rain has been forecast. “It’s safer to be inside than out at the moment,” he said.

Most supermarkets are open in the city – just four have been closed. “Shop normally, there is no need to panic buy,” said Hipkins.

For anyone who night need MSD support, such as for food, bedding or clothes, they can contact 0800 400 100 between 7am and 5pm. Kainga Ora received 103 calls overnight.

PM Chris Hipkins surveys flooding in Auckland (Supplied)

Auckland mayor Wayne Brown acknowledged how difficult last night was for many people and paid tribute to those who had lost their lives. On the emergency response, Brown once again defended the speed with which the state of emergency was declared. “Everybody was out there way before and stayed out all night,” he said.

A review of the communication and coordination of emergency services will be taken. “There are a lot of lessons to be learned,” he said. “We will take our time to do that. But be absolutely sure, we will review everything from this storm.”

Media were quick to – once again – query the speed of the emergency response. Hipkins would not second guess the decisions made, and Brown remained defensive of his decisions.

Asked why no emergency text was sent to Auckland residents, a spokesperson said the event was “beyond anything we had every seen” and the focus was on the safety of people at risk. There was a “crisis within a crisis” due to emergency housing options being compromised by the flood water.

Similar to his late night press conference yesterday, Brown once again reiterated that he followed the “leadership of the professionals” in making the decision to declare a state of emergency. “It’s not something you do lightly. I followed the advice of those who do it regularly.”

Brown was asked he chose not to “say” anything overnight – by shunning social media and not holding a press conference until close to midnight. Auckland Emergency Management duty controller Andrew Clark chose to answer this despite the question being directed at mayor Brown.

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