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WARMINGTON: Man, 75, listened to politicians, got vaccinated, died five days later

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Joe Warmington

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May 14, 2021  •  11 hours ago  •  3 minute read  •  86 Comments Neil Caulfield (right) took his dad, Larry Caulfield (left), 75, to the Brampton Soccer Centre to get his COVID-19 vaccine on April 6, 2021, and the long haul truck driver died five days later. Neil Caulfield (right) took his dad, Larry Caulfield (left), 75, to the Brampton Soccer Centre to get his COVID-19 vaccine on April 6, 2021, and the long haul truck driver died five days later. Photo by Supplied Article content

Larry Caulfield loved Premier Doug Ford.

He loved Ontario, Canada, his three kids and six grandkids — all of whom urged him to get the coronavirus vaccine.

“We wanted him to be healthy,” said his son, Neil. “We felt it was the right thing to do.”

So the 75-year-old long-haul truck driver went to the Brampton Soccer Centre to get the jab on April 6.

But there is no happy ending to this story.

“You know how you mentioned there were 50 nameless people who were recorded by the government to have died after receiving the vaccine?” asked Neil. “Well my dad was one of those 50.”

He died on April 11 after four miserable days in hospital.

“It was rough,” said Neil, who isn’t even close to being at the end of the grieving process. “He got very sick after that vaccination.”

The big question is, did he die of complications from the inoculation, from COVID-19, or as a result of pre-existing conditions that may have been a contributing factor?


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It’s not clear, Neil said.

What is clear is his dad didn’t show any COVID-19 symptoms before getting that shot.

“They counted it as a COVID death, but I’m not sure,” Neil said. “If he did have COVID, he may have gotten it from the line at the vaccination clinic because he was careful and always wore his mask.”

When he was getting his dose, Neil said, he noticed that there “was no ventilation” and “the three big fans weren’t spinning and the only door open was the one that everybody was coming in from.”

The 50 dead after receiving the vaccine that Neil mentioned come from Health Canada’s Vaccination Coverage page under the “Reported side-effects following COVID-19 vaccination in Canada” section. The 50 number I reported last week has now been updated to 56 reported dying after receiving the vaccine.

Of the 56 dead, Health Canada says “28 are still under investigation,” while “23 are unlikely linked to a COVID-19 vaccine.”

It also states that “three deaths couldn’t be assessed due to insufficient information” and “two deaths were likely linked to the vaccine (thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome).”

Of the 15,325,183 doses handed out, there have been 5,015 adverse effects reported, 872 of which have been deemed serious. On the issue of blood clotting, Health Canada reported 15 cases.

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While public health doctors, and political leaders, have concluded that statistically vaccines are safe for the vast majority, it’s hard to convince Neil of that now.


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His dad wasn’t a statistic.

Neil said it was him who took his dad to the mass vaccination clinic because he believed Ford and others who said this was the best option.

“I wanted him to be safe,” Neil said.

Although he has regrets, Neil understands there is nothing he can do to change the outcome now.

But perhaps the province can call a coroner’s inquest into Larry’s death to learn all aspects of it from A to Z?

Larry was a fan of both Ford and late great mayor Rob Ford, went to FordFest parties and had pictures to prove it.

Proud Ford Nation member Larry Caulfield (right), 75, went to the Brampton Soccer Centre to get his COVID-19 vaccine on April 6, 2021, and the long haul truck driver died five days later. Proud Ford Nation member Larry Caulfield (right), 75, went to the Brampton Soccer Centre to get his COVID-19 vaccine on April 6, 2021, and the long haul truck driver died five days later. Photo by Supplied

Neil holds no animosity toward Ford but does have some questions.

“Maybe one day someone can explain to me why dad’s diabetic medication wasn’t covered, but people get free needles and heroin?” said Neil. “Dad got a government-issued needle and a week later I lose my best friend.”

Legitimate questions that perhaps the premier could demand answers to in memory of a proud member of Ford Nation named Larry Caulfield.


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