January 11, 2025

WaPo Hates GOP Anti-Censorship, as Steve Schmidt Smears Vaseline on His Camera and Sees Nazis

Steve Schmidt #SteveSchmidt

It is a reality that to this day perplexes us. There are factions of the media that are fully in favor of the practice of shutting down free expression. In the latest, we get the Washington Post with a lengthy piece bemoaning the fact that Republicans have been successful in battling back against those sources that strive to limit what is permissible communication in this country and on the internet.

Without any introspection, WaPo sees it as wrong that GOP members have been successful in getting some of these organizations bent on shackling speech to back off or even close down. Just this opening should cause one to smile:

Academics, universities and government agencies are overhauling or ending research programs designed to counter the spread of online misinformation amid a legal campaign from conservative politicians and activists who accuse them of colluding with tech companies to censor right-wing views.

Read further to see the segment on the various experts who were given anonymity in order “to discuss their internal deliberations freely,” enabling them to promote ways to stifle free speech. Huh.

News Avoidance Syndrome – VARIOUS OUTLETS

It was early in August when we covered how there was a feeding frenzy in the press when it was reported that a “major Financier” from the movie “Sound Of Freedom” was arrested for child kidnapping, in direct defiance of the film’s core values.

Except Fabian Marta only gave a few hundred dollars in a crowdfunding effort, was arrested as an accessory, and that the kids had even been kidnapped was in question, as it was a tenant of his with her own children. Well, now it has been shown that Marta has been cleared, as a grand jury declined to indict him, and the charges against him have been dropped.

Legalized Press-titution – USA TODAY

In the hopes of sowing discontent in the field of presidential candidates, USA Today looked at a poll and tried to come up with a way for alternatives to either President Biden or Donald Trump to be on the ballot in 2024. It conducted a poll that indicated close to one-quarter of the voters were looking elsewhere for a different candidate:

A USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll from June found that in a potential rematch between the two current frontrunners, 34% of voters said they would support Biden while 32% said they would support Trump. Meanwhile, 23% of voters say they would support an unspecified independent contender.

So, the paper wanted to explore this core group and see where the alternatives might be favored. Funny enough, names like Robert Kennedy Jr. or any other vetted Republican candidates were not trotted out. Instead, we see names such as Will Hurd, Elizabeth Warren, and (we swear this is true) Liz Cheney.

Making this all the more asinine is that for each of these names mentioned, they found ONE person who supported the individual.

Presentation Paradox – WASHINGTON POST

Philip Bump is just having a horrid time of things supporting Joe Biden in the face of mounting allegations. In the latest, Mr. Bump saw a Fox News segment in which Brian Kilmeade interviewed former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. And then he excitedly claims this appearance blows apart claims made on the network, as they had last month interviewed his nemesis in the past scandals, prosecutor Viktor Shokin:

The news here is that Fox, which has been an essential platform for every unfounded allegation from Comer and his allies, accidentally stepped on its own messaging.

Well, no, Philip. What you have is the word of two individuals offering their impressions on the issue. See, what is throwing you off here is that you are seeing a network offering to have both sides of the matter being covered with interviews of those involved from either perspective. It seems understandable that this type of journalism is a foreign concept.

Blue-Anon – MSNBC

  • We do not have any further comment – and none is needed.
  • All we need to do for this one is provide the setup. You have Steve Schmidt appearing on Joy Reid’s program. That is all. The wheels were promised to fly off as the segment went cartwheeling into a ditch.

    Watch as “Soft-Focus Steve” brings up Donald Trump’s six-month plan for when he is reelected, and it becomes proof he will become the next Adolf Hitler, with racist dog whistles also invoked for good measure.

    “Riffed from the Headlines” is Townhall’s daily VIP feature with coverage of the deeply flawed aspects of journalism in the nation, where Brad Slager looks to bring accountability to the mishaps, malaprops, misdeeds, manipulations, malpractice, and manufactured narratives in mainstream media.

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