September 20, 2024

Victoria records fifth local Covid case as new Melbourne restrictions announced – politics live

Victoria #Victoria

I thank the member for her question, and the Deputy Secretary of my department Stephanie Foster has done an outstanding job over those months in compiling a report and providing advice to government and how we should be able to proceed, not just as a government, by doing that in partnership with the parliament as a whole.

As I said yesterday, Mr Speaker, that report has been received, that report will be taken to cabinet, then, it will be taken to the government members’ party room to discuss and the report will be provided to all members of this parliament, to all members of this parliament at the earliest opportunity, and I suspect that will happen next week Mr Speaker.

I suspect it will happen next week. That’s when I expected to happen.

The full report will be made available to the Leader of the Opposition, to the members of the crossbench, and the Senate, to the members and the leaders of the Greens and all the members of this place, we will make that report available and I will tell you why, because it contains very useful recommendations about how our parliament can work together to support our staff and ensure that the right mechanisms are in place, in particular her recommendation to establish an independent complaints mechanism which is urgently needed in this place, I have no intention of waiting for the outcome of the report of the Sex Discrimination Commissioner’s inquiry before we introduce that.

I think we can get on with it now, the deputy secretary has given us a very good model, we will work to the normal government processes to bring that proposal to this parliament, and to the Leader of the Opposition, and I look forward to them engaging in good faith with the process, rather than seeking to score political points.

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