January 15, 2025

UP AND DOWN THE RIVER: Hooray, It’s Boxing Day!

Boxing Day #BoxingDay

I’m sure you’ve heard of it, Boxing Day, that is. And, no, it’s not about the sport of boxing, although whether boxing is really a sport or not is a question that may or may not be asked here at another time.

Boxing Day is an actual holiday in many parts of the world, those parts having been elements of the British Empire at one time or other. It is celebrated on the second day of Christmastide, which is the 26th of December. Originally it began as a day to give gifts to the poor, a day off for servants and a day on which they received a special Christmas box from their masters. The servants would also go home to give and share the Christmas boxes with their families.

The term “Boxing Day” was first used in 1833, four years before it appeared in “The Pickwick Papers” by Charles Dickens, which forever cemented its use in the English language. And whether the idea of “boxing” either stemmed from the gifts of the masters to the servants or from the charity boxes in churches during Advent, which would then be distributed Dec. 26 by the local clergy, the name and the idea stuck.

However, and this is a big HOWEVER, Boxing Day has evolved from its unclear origins into, what else, another shopping holiday. Imagine that. What started out as good deeds is now all about commercialism. Well, maybe not all. Those who observe Boxing Day, which is a bank holiday, meaning that banks close (obviously) and other businesses have the choice as to whether to remain open, now treat it as a regular “day off,” for visiting friends, watching sports, or, most likely, shopping.

It is worth noting that the almsgiving aspect of Boxing Day was placed there because the 26th of December is the feast of St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr and a figure known for his many acts of charity.

It is also worth noting that Dec. 26 is celebrated as a second Christmas Day in several European countries, such as Hungary, Germany, Poland and the Netherlands. Who wouldn’t want two Christmases in a row? Don’t answer right away!

There is one more aspect of the Christmas celebration left to deal with: the leftovers. And guess what? That was part of the original Boxing Day boxes given to the servants, the leftovers from the master’s table. The leftovers of the food they had prepared and served. It kind of boggles the mind, doesn’t it?

Maybe there are more holidays from around the world that have interesting and unique origins. Our country and culture has exported Halloween and, believe it or not, Black Friday. And we are incorporating other cultures’ holidays into our own celebrations, such as Cinco de Mayo and Dia de los Muertos.  

Meanwhile, enjoy Boxing Day, and hold off for a few days on boxing up all those decorations that adorn your house. Take some time off to enjoy them. Happy Boxing Day!

Past Up and Down the River columns

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