September 22, 2024

UK coronavirus live: Boris Johnson says new restrictions ‘likely to remain in force for six months’

Boris #Boris

8.46am EDT 08:46

Zarah Sultana (Lab) says the PM calls it NHS test and trace, but it would be more accurate to call is Serco test and trace. Contacts have gone to friends of ministers. She says it would be better for the service to be publicly run.

Johnson says it is right to reach out to the private sector for help. But the army are involved too, he says.

Updated at 9.02am EDT

8.44am EDT 08:44

Ben Bradshaw (Lab) asks Johnson if he thinks Germany has a lower death rate because it has locally-run test and trace systems.

Johnson says he does not accept that. He says it is wrong to criticise test and trace. He says the UK is a freedom-loving country, and he implies that limits the restrictions people want to accept.

UPDATE: From HuffPost’s Paul Waugh

Updated at 8.49am EDT

8.41am EDT 08:41

Derek Thomas (Con) says Cornwall has had very little infection. What message does the PM have for students who don’t want to wear masks, people who want to go to church, or other people who want a normal life?

Johnson says people can go to church. He says he wants to tackle the virus.

8.40am EDT 08:40

Peter Grant (SNP) says there is a lot of cross-party support for the measures. But there is also a lot of cross-party support for extending the business support measures, he says.

Johnson says businesses in Scotland have been very supportive of what has been done so far. The government will adopt a creative approach to ensuring support continues, he says.

8.38am EDT 08:38

Richard Burgon (Lab) says the UK has one of the highest death rates in the world. Will the PM take responsibility and pursue the zero-Covid strategy that countries like South Korea and New Zealand are pursuing?

Johnson says the government is trying to drive the virus down, while protecting education and the economy.

Updated at 8.42am EDT

8.34am EDT 08:34

Lucy Allan (Con) asks the PM to consider targeted measures to protect people at risk, instead of a blanket lockdown.

Johnson agrees. He says measures are being introduced for care homes (where visits are being restricted) precisely because he wants to avoid another lockdown.

8.33am EDT 08:33

Steve Baker (Con) urges the PM to consider innovative measures that could be used to allow MPs to consider and approve these measures. He suggests the “sifting committee” used for Brexit regulations might be a model.

Johnson says he does want MPs to consider these measures.

8.31am EDT 08:31

In response to question from Grahame Morris (Lab) about what can be done to help the coach sector, Johnson says the government will do whatever it can.

8.29am EDT 08:29

Johnson says sport is hugely important to our well being and our national life. He says the culture secretary is looking at what can be done to keep football clubs going.

8.28am EDT 08:28

Munira Wilson (Lib Dem) says Covid cases are rising at an alarming rate amongst the BAME populations, particularly Asians. What good will closing pubs early do? And what has the government done since the PHE report on this was published in June.

Johnson says testing has been focused on frontline workers, many of whom are black, Asian or from an ethnic minority. And the government has been doing more to make sure that minority communities get proper health advice.

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