Two suspects dead, six officers injured after shootout at Saanich bank
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Author of the article:
Postmedia News
Louise Dickson, Victoria Times Colonist
Publishing date:
Jun 28, 2022 • 41 minutes ago • 3 minute read • Join the conversation PNimg Article content
SAANICH, B.C. — Two suspects are deceased and six members of the Greater Victoria Emergency Response Team are in hospital after a shootout at a bank in Saanich today, police say.
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A shelter in place advisory remains in effect for the area of North Dairy Road to Cedar Hill Cross Road, and Richmond Road to Cedar Hill Road as officers search for a potential third suspect.
Three of the injured officers are members of Saanich police and three are Victoria police officers, police said.
A man in a camouflage jacket was seen lying motionless in the parking lot outside the Bank of Montreal at Shelbourne and Pear streets early Tuesday afternoon, after an exchange of gunfire following a report of people with weapons at the bank.
Police are evacuating homes and businesses near the bank because of a potential explosive device in the area.
Residents and workers in the area are hunkered down in their homes and offices with blinds down and doors locked while the manhunt continues.
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Police have advised anyone in the area of North Dairy Road to Cedar Hill Cross Road and Richmond Road to Cedar Hill Road to stay indoors as officers look for the potential third suspect.
Just after 12:30 p.m., about 25 people who had been in the bank during the robbery were escorted by armed Saanich officers to a waiting bus. Some were crying.
Dozens of officers from the Saanich and Victoria police departments and the RCMP remained outside the bank early Tuesday afternoon, along with at least four ambulances.
Shelbourne Street is blocked from Cedar Hill Road past Pear Street, with several marked and unmarked police vehicles filling the street.
Officers with weapons and dog teams were outside the bank.
The public is asked to avoid the area.
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A helicopter was flying over the area about 1:40 p.m.
Charlotte Priest, an assistant at Lifeline Animal Clinic across Shelbourne Street from the bank, said a few of the clinic’s clients heard the shooting and took shelter in the building. “That’s when we realized there’s something going on. So we just closed our blinds and just took cover and are staying away from the windows.”
A passerby also took shelter in the waiting area, said Priest, noting a police van was parked at the clinic’s driveway.
“There’s a lot of businesses in the area. It is kind of shocking for it to happen here.
“Everybody is a little bit shaken up.”
Saanich Mayor Fred Haynes posted on Twitter: “Our hearts go out to our officers, bank staff and residents … No words can describe how horrendous this is.”
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At nearby St. Michael’s University School, a woman said the school was in “hold and secure” mode, with all external doors locked and everyone inside.
The Megson FitzPatrick Insurance Services office on Shelbourne Street had about 20 staff indoors behind locked exterior doors.
Jacqueline Niemann, who was managing the office on Tuesday, said she heard noises but did not immediately recognize the sound as gunfire. Police cars arriving at the scene alerted their office to the situation.
Everyone is safe, she said. “It is pretty scary.”
Hannah Young, a pharmacy assistant at Heart Pharmacy in Shelbourne Plaza, across the street from the bank, said she heard “what was definitely gunfire.” “And it kept going. I looked out and I could see people ducking by their cars in the parking lot.”
Young said she wasn’t afraid but was concerned for the safety of people in the area.
“Do we need to close the door? Pull the customers inside? Shut down? It was more of a fight or flight response,” said Young.
“We saw they were elderly people sitting outside and we told them they needed to come inside.” They brought everyone inside away from the windows into the back half of the pharmacy.
Saanich police are asking people who took photos and shot video to submit them as evidence here.
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