October 6, 2024

Twitter Users Aghast By George Bush’s ‘Freudian Slip’ About Iraq

Iraq #Iraq

Former president George W. Bush’s presidential-level gaffe has Twitter buzzing.

“The decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq,” Bush said. He then reeled back his words and blamed his age for the mistake.

Speaking in Dallas this afternoon, former President George. W Bush made a significant verbal slip-up while discussing the war in Ukraine.

He tried referencing what he described as the “wholly unjustified and brutal invasion” — but said Iraq, instead of Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/tw0VNJzKmE

— Michael Williams (@michaeldamianw) May 19, 2022

The goof-up will likely join a list of a number of Bush bloopers from over the years.

Twitter users swiftly tied back the mistake to when the U.S. invaded Iraq on the former president’s watch in 2003.

Many users were quick to point out the irony between the Iraq invasion and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Read through a number of users’ reactions to Bush’s “Iraq” slip-up below.

Everyone makes mistakes what matters is that we have the maturity to apologize for them 👏👏👏 https://t.co/dJQpC3XYwV

— 1933 NY Fusionist Newspaperman 🤠🍞🧈🛠🌎🇺🇸🇺🇳 (@f_cramer34) May 19, 2022

awww. there goes that ol rascal george, reminding everyone of his war crimes. hahaha! isn’t it cute?

please excuse him. he’s 75, so it’s okay to laugh off the millions he killed. we have fun here at the institute.

now where was he? oh yeah, Putin’s unprecedented evil https://t.co/9kOmmvgeWe

— Ioneenknoyo (@DubJ) May 19, 2022

Bush doing a gaffe like this 14 years after being president is basically the equivalent of Tom Brady winning the Super Bowl at 43

— Alex Shephard (@alex_shephard) May 19, 2022

George W. Bush has always been the Michael Jordan of speaking gaffes but never expected a Freudian slip where he admitted to being a war criminal. https://t.co/fJzWdFEqrX

— Adam Best (@adamcbest) May 19, 2022

if i could tell my 17-year-old self one thing it’s that george w. bush will admit to unjustly invading iraq in 17 years

— Marisa Kabas (@MarisaKabas) May 19, 2022

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