September 21, 2024

Tory party hits new low after MP is condemned for appalling comments on child refugees

Gullis #Gullis

“Just when you think you’ve heard it all, the Tory Party find a new low.”

Jonathan Gullis

Tory MP Jonathan Gullis has been widely condemned for his appalling comments about child refugees during PMQs yesterday afternoon.

In response to a question from Labour MP Tulip Sadiq to the Prime Minister about the welfare of 200 unaccompanied migrant children who’ve gone missing from hotels in the UK, with ministers admitting they have no idea about the whereabouts of the children, Gullis replied: “Well they shouldn’t have come here illegally.”

His comments drew immediate condemnation with Labour MP Peter Kyle tweeting: “Tulip Sadiq asks the prime minister about the welfare of 200 unaccompanied migrant children who’ve gone missing.

“Tory MP Jonathan Gullis heckles ‘well they shouldn’t have come here illegally’.

“Just when you think you’ve heard it all, the Tory Party find a new low.”

Hope not Hate, a British antiracism and antifascism group that campaigns against bigotry, also condemned Gullis’ remarks. The group tweeted: “We are shocked and dismayed that Jonathan Gullis MP has today used the disappearance of 200 unaccompanied migrant children to try and score a political point during PMQs.

“It is gravely concerning that separated children seeking asylum are going missing, suspected of being trafficked and criminally exploited.

“MPs should be working to find solutions – not making shock factor statements in the house.”

Journalist Otto English tweeted: “Gullis is the very worst of this country.  That he is an actual MP in the actual House of Commons says even worse things about that place.”

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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