September 20, 2024

Tom Cotton Snaps at Dick Durbin During Heated Questioning of DOJ Nominee: Could You Please Stop ‘Interrupting Me Repeatedly?!’

Tom Cotton #TomCotton

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AK) had a tense exchange with Dick Durbin (D-IL) when he told the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman to stop interrupting him during their confirmation hearing for Kristen Clarke.

Clarke appeared before the committee on Wednesday as President Joe Biden’s nominee for Assistant Attorney General of the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division. Many of the questions from Republicans on the committee centered on Clarke’s past comments about racial issues and criticism for the police.

When Cotton was recognized by committee chair Durbin, he grilled Clarke over statements she made in connection with the Michael Brown shooting of 2014. Cotton cut Clarke off multiple times during her responses to him, and because of that, Durbin interjected.

“Could you please just allow her the opportunity to respond?” Durbin said.

“Could you please stop the pattern of interrupting me repeatedly?!” Cotton shot back. “This happened the last time we had a hearing! You called a vote in violation of this committee’s rules!”

Durbin said he would give Cotton additional time, “but I would like to give her a chance to complete her answer.”

“I’ve asked her a simple yes or no question multiple times. She refuses to answer it,” Cotton retorted.

Watch above (start at 1:46:00), via Forbes.

The post Tom Cotton Snaps at Dick Durbin During Heated Questioning of DOJ Nominee: Could You Please Stop ‘Interrupting Me Repeatedly?!’ first appeared on Mediaite.

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