Tiger Woods injured in car crash
Tiger Woods #TigerWoods

Tiger Woods’ car accident occurred on a stretch of road known for high speeds and prone to crashes, L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said a news conference Tuesday.
“At the time it [Woods’ SUV] crossed the center divider, to the point that it rested, was several hundred feet away, so obviously that indicates they were going at a relatively greater speed than normal,” Villanueva said.
“Because it is downhill, it slopes, and also it curves. That area has a high frequency of accidents. It’s not uncommon,” the sheriff added.
The vehicle being driven by the golfing legend crossed the center divider and rolled over multiple times before coming to rest in the brush.
Law enforcement officials said there is no indication the 45-year-old made any attempt to slow his Genesis SUV prior to the incident.
“No skid marks, no braking,” Villanueva said, adding that “the first contact was with the center median, from there then crossed into the opposing lane of traffic, hit the curb, hit a tree, and there were several rollovers during that process.”