January 23, 2025

This Is The Month To Work Smarter, Not Harder, Says Astrology

New Month #NewMonth

March is the month to listen to your gut. As much as you might want to resist leaning into your feelings… allow them to wash over you during emotional Pisces season. It may seem ironic, but trusting your intuition will help you “achieve your goals in the easiest way possible” as you prepare for the fiery, action-oriented Aries season on the 21st, says Donna Page, an Atlanta-based astrologer with a graduate degree in counseling psychology. “Not that intuition doesn’t take effort—it requires flow and surrender—but it does make our lives easier.” Now’s the time to work smarter, not harder, she adds.

Allow your instincts to guide your decisions when it comes to self-care, relationships, and personal health. “This month is all about connecting deeply with our friends, network, and people around us,” Page says. With all that good stuff going for ya, you’ll be better equipped to chase your goals come Aries season on March 21st.

Some other key dates to take note of this month are the 10th and 25th, when there will be a new moon in Pisces and a full moon lunar eclipse in Libra, respectively. This will encourage all the zodiac signs to consider balance in their lives and analyze what is no longer serving them, says Page. Also, on the 11th, Venus moves into Pisces, making the whole world a bit more emotional. Use this time for important conversations and heart-to-hearts, she advises.

Wondering what this means for you? Ahead, Page shares her March 2024 horoscope predictions for each zodiac sign:


This month is all about action and financial abundance—a pretty great way to start your birthday season, which arrives on March 21! Before all the fun (and funds), though, you’ll want to tap into your intuition around the new moon in Pisces on March 10. This energy calls on you to realign your actions with your values. So…if you want to be part of the 5 a.m. run club, Aries, you can’t stay up until 2 a.m. scrolling on TikTok.

By mid-March, career and networking take center stage as you turn up the charm and find plenty of connections in your circle. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people and ask for what you want, Aries—you’ll likely get it. Embrace change this season, be unapologetically you, take big swings, and chase your dreams. Money and opportunities are flowing your way this Aries season!

Aya Kakeda


Taurus, you are—in the words of Ms. Beyoncé—“overworked and overwhelmed.” While this month isn’t the time to take your foot off the gas with your career (after all, you have been working hard for a reason!), it’s still important to fill your own cup. So, March is all about striking the right balance between taking care of business and yourself.

Your social and work circles are expanding, and there are a lot of opportunities for collaborations this month that may change your perspective on your future career goals. Embrace that change and tap into your determined, bull-like nature. You are so close to achieving everything you want, Taurus—don’t burn out now! When scheduling your cal this month, set aside time for the luxurious self-care you love, like massages, facials, bubble baths, and a long night’s sleep on sheets with a high thread count. You know how to love yourself and make sure you’re taken care of, so don’t forget to do it!

Aya Kaykeda


Gemini, it’s possible your work life is feeling a bit stale lately. If so, March is the month to analyze your career goals and possibly readjust your path. Maybe you’re craving a more front-facing job where you can tap into your natural chatterbox ways, looking for a more challenging position, or feeling ready to overhaul your career path altogether. Whatever the case may be, take time to consider all your options and fine-tune your goals.

This is also a great time to invest in a course where you can learn a new skill or brush up on an old one. You’re feeling very open this month, which will serve you well in your life long-term. The full moon lunar eclipse on the 25th will make you feel more creative and expressive, making it an excellent time to assert yourself in your relationships and work. Don’t be afraid to go after what you want, Gem—sometimes, all you have to do is ask!

Aya Kaykeda


Your intuition is super strong this month, Cancer, so make sure you’re listening. Fortunately, whatever is not serving you is likely to remove itself this month, allowing you to move through the month powerfully. (As Taylor Swift once said, “The trash takes itself out every time.”)

March is also an excellent month to brush up on skills in your career—perhaps through a new course, or even something outside of your usual zone of genius. This energy of eagerness and openness in your career will stick around for the next few months, so take advantage of this time and lay the groundwork for future money moves. But don’t forget to nurture your home life, too—carve out time to spend with the ones you love, especially around the full moon lunar eclipse at the end of the month. Balance is key.

Aya Kakeda – Hearst Owned


Leo, you’re always ready to step into the spotlight, but you’re feeling *even* more confident than usual this month. They do say March comes in like a lion, after all, and you’re definitely proving that to be true. You’ll likely find inspiration and motivation from others this month, perhaps through your mentors or even just people you admire online. Seeing what’s possible for others will remind you of everything you’re capable of and push you further towards achieving your ideal future.

When the sun enters fellow fire sign Aries on the 21st, all the pieces of the puzzle will start to fall into place, especially in your career. Don’t be surprised if you have a lot of financial abundance and opportunities flowing your way this month! The full moon lunar eclipse at the end of March will emphasize communication for you, making you more sure of yourself and able to share your (brilliant, naturally) thoughts with the world.

Aya Kakeda – Hearst Owned


Big changes are ahead at work this month, Virgo. Before you panic, remember that change is a good and necessary part of life. The more you can lean in and go with the flow, the easier this month will be for you. It’s possible you have a big opportunity at work—perhaps a promotion, the chance to lead a big presentation, or something else that has you a bit nervy.

Remember, it’s okay to ask your trusted circle for guidance and to lean on others for support. You can go it alone, but it’ll be much more pleasant and effective if you ask for help. Don’t spend so much time polling the audience that you disregard your own instincts, though. Find the balance between internal and external validation this month.

When Aries season begins on the 21st, you’ll be focused on your finances. Perhaps your new opportunity comes with a little cash incentive—if so, enjoy it, but don’t spend it all in one place.

Hearst Owned


Heads up, Libra: There’s a full moon eclipse happening in your sign on the 25th. That means the moon will shine its light on anything you’ve been keeping in the shadows. From a practical standpoint, prepare to confront whatever you’ve been avoiding, and take the time to slow down and feel your feelings. Putting in the self-care work now will yield major rewards—not only throughout this month, but also the rest of your life.

Additionally, your career is an area ripe for expansion right now, so it’s important to get realigned with your values and what you ultimately want your life to look like. Find the balance between work and play, and enjoy the ride!

Hearst Owned


If you’ve been quietly working hard toward career goals, a relocation, or other significant life change, Scorpio, they’ll likely come to fruition in March. Let your deep water sign intuition be your guide as you move through this month of transformation.

While trusting your instincts, try to infuse your creative nature into everyday tasks, both at work and at home, to add a sense of delight and play into your routine. By the time Aries season arrives on the 21st, it will light an astrological fire under you, propelling you forward toward new opportunities and beginnings. Now’s the time to hit the ground running!

Hearst Owned


Dedicate the beginning of March to hustling, Sag, and tap into your confidence when it comes to work. You are uniquely talented at what you do, but when you don’t put in 100 percent of your effort, you deny the world of your genius. Step up to communicate your ideas, and you’ll see results…fast.

With Aries season approaching, you and your fiery nature will feel right at home. Infuse some adventure into this month—whether it be a staycation, a fun night out at a new spot with friends, or some solo travel (your fave!). And while this month might start career-heavy, by the end, you’ll be living it up—March is all about working hard so you can shine bright!

Hearst Owned


Money is on your mind this month, Capricorn, which isn’t unusual for you. While you may want to jump into planning mode, allow yourself some time to reflect on your current finances and future fiscal goals. Take a moment to consider what you truly want in life—be it a new home, car, or pair of sneakers—and what you need to do to get it.

Just don’t get so stuck in the spreadsheet weeds that you isolate yourself for the month! Remember why you work so hard—so you can enjoy your life with the people you love. Keep this goal in mind as you move about this month, as there’s an emphasis on balancing all areas of your life. So, do what you do best—bust out your calendar and get scheduling. If anyone can fit it all in, it’s you!

Hearst Owned


You’re feeling the love this month, Aquarius. Allow yourself to soak in all the praise and acts of kindness from your friends and family. It’s all too easy to forget to slow down and focus on all the good stuff in life, so if you see roses, stop and smell ’em.

This is also a great time to reevaluate your financial goals and make a solid budget plan, especially as you enter a new year of life. Use your creative side to think of new ways to make or save money, and you’ll be shocked by how much you can better your financial position in a year!

When Aries season starts on the 21st, you’ll be inspired to speak your mind, particularly at work. Be respectful but firm in your communication, and you’ll likely get the results you’re seeking.

Hearst Owned


Happy birthday, Pisces! Bask in all the feel-good astrological energy as the universe collectively celebrates your birthday. This is an important year for your sign, as Saturn—the planet of expansion—is now in Pisces. Consider this your time to dream big and chase your goals, using your wise, intuitive ways to go after what you want.

A big piece of this expansion will be assessing your current life for any energy drains. If you’re unhappy with your job, relationship, living situation, schedule, friendships, family, or anything else, now is the time to make the changes necessary to step confidently into this new year as the best version of yourself.

Hearst Owned

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