October 5, 2024

This delusional Trump loyalist is actually right: Tom Brady is the MAGA quarterback of choice

Brady #Brady

Of COURSE former Trumpers like A.J. Delgado are supporting Tom Brady. Screenshot: FOX News

A.J. Delgado, a former senior advisor to Donald Trump, and self-described “now proud critic,” made clear on Sunday just what kind of equivocating nonsense that is, and how far people will go to try to excuse having been in line with a would-be dictator.

After seeking advice on who to root for in the Super Bowl, Delgado responded to a point that Brady “openly supports Trump” by saying that support was never political.

When Trump was running for president, Brady said of the potential of his friend becoming leader of the free world, “That would be great. There’d be a putting green on the White House lawn, I’m sure of that.”

Brady also claimed that the Make America Great Again hat which was infamously seen in his locker “found its way” there — as if one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time didn’t have agency over the contents of his own locker, and as if he wouldn’t have removed the hat if he had any problem with it whatsoever.

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Did Brady think that things would get as bad as they did in the last four years? Probably not. But instead of taking responsibility for having supported an open racist — remember how Trump started his campaign — because he prioritized his personal friendship with that racist and how a Republican administration might benefit him, a wealthy white man, personally… Brady has demurred and tried to claim that he wasn’t supporting Trump politically, just “as a friend,” as Delgado now parrots.

It’s bullshit, and he shouldn’t get away with it. It’s even worse that Brady gets credit — credit! — for helping Antonio Brown, paving the way for “a fellow man’s redemption,” which is some complete nonsense when Brown has never taken one iota of responsibility for anything. Of course, he can’t, because the sexual assault lawsuit against Brown won’t go to trial until next year. But the fact that he’s in the league and in the Super Bowl right now is because of Brady, who just like his buddy Trump, is willing to look the other way on violence against women.

And, for the record, Brady did benefit personally from Trump’s presidency, garnering a $960,000 PPP loan for his nutrition/wellness grift enterprise, TB12 Sports. Brady’s current contract with the Buccaneers is a two-year, $50 million deal.

Until Brady stops making excuses, steps up like the leader of men he supposedly is, and admits where he failed, he can go fuck himself.

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