January 27, 2025

This ‘audit’ of a tin of Quality Street has chocolate lovers feeling horrified

Quality Street #QualityStreet

There has finally been an in-depth investigation into the great Quality Street debate, after decades of wondering why the tins of chocolate are disproportionately filled with unwelcome flavours.

In a tongue-in-cheek post on Twitter, Stephen Hull hoped to clear up some probing questions about the classic Christmas treat.

“Bit of spare time on my hands today so I audited the unopened Quality Street tin. Just 4 purples (4.7%) and yet a massive 11 (12.9%) orange ones. Another blow for 2020. Who do I complain to? #inequalitystreet,” he wrote, accompanied by a photo showing a disparity in flavours.

(Importantly, Hull confirmed to HuffPost UK that he had not eaten any purple chocolates before taking the photo.)

The ‘Purple One’, it turns out, has a mysterious history, according to a Quality Street historian (!). “But now it’s a hazelnut inside,” which means it has become “less polarising,” Alex Hutchinson said.

“Good start to an important data-led investigation,” one person wrote. Although they were certain a larger data set was needed. But in fact, others also posted their own analysis.

Chris Tate-Davies responded to Hull’s tweet with his own investigation which revealed one more of the favourite purple chocolates. Still, there were plenty of unpopular orange cremes.

Intense debate over the ‘best’ Quality Street flavours ensued (Toffee Pennies? Definitely not. The green triangle ones?), leaving people outraged over the unequal quantities of chocolates.

“That is all kinds of wrong. Orange creams shouldn’t even be in the mix let alone staging a bloody takeover,” one person wrote. “We should then all lodge a complaint given all that we have been through this year!” another person said.

The outraged heated up, so much so that Quality Street began trending. Some brave souls even took the controversy up a notch: “Quality Street are 100% the worst Christmas chocolates”.

The great mystery of Quality Street continues…

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