January 12, 2025


Shayna #Shayna

By Richard Trionfo on 2021-06-07 23:00:00

We are in Tampa, Florida and your announcers are Byron Saxton, Corey Graves, and Jimmy Smith.

Match Number One:  Tag Team Battle Royal Featuring Randy Orton and Matt Riddle, The New Day, The Viking Raiders, Lucha House Party (just Lince Dorado), Miz and Morrison (just John Morrison), and Retribution

Before the match starts, the tag team champions, AJ Styles and Omos make their way to the ring.  AJ thanks everyone for showing up for the State of the Tag Team Division Address.  AJ reminds everyone that WWE will be on the road again.  AJ says they will be obligated to defend their titles, live and in person, against the best.  The teams in the ring are who they want.  The 11 time champions, the New Day.  You are legendary, national treasures.  Think about what we can do together.  We can have the same match with did at Wrestlemania.  We won that match.  Mace and T-Bar.  AJ says they don’t know a lot about you guys but nobody does.  You are big, mean, and like to fight.  AJ says he has his own personal colossus who is bigger and meaner than you.  Lince is out there alone because Gran Metalik got hurt.  You are brave.  In that ring, you do things I have only seen in video games, but he has done his entire career.  AJ says that Lince was probably his favorite superstar.

The Viking Raiders.  We can definitely do it with you guys around the world.  Then we have RK-Bro.  Randy Orton, 14 time champion.  Tag team champion.  Legend Killer.  Riddle is a rising star.  We have all seen you two and it makes no sense to anybody.  Your chemistry works.  The tag team division led by the unbelievable, unstoppable, incredible, magnificent, stupendous, and handsome.  Omos says they are phenomenal.

Kofi calls them deplorable, destestible, and booty.  Kofi says they are not going to forget about this.  They want to see AJ and Omos’ papers.  

AJ says they don’t need papers because they are the champions.  AJ says they want to be nice.

Randy tells AJ to shut his mouth.  Riddle tells AJ to zip his mouth and throw the key away.  Riddle mentions their new t-shirt.  He has two because Randy doesn’t wear shirts, or pants.  Riddle keeps talking and Randy stops Riddle.

AJ asks if they are done.

Miz and John Morrison come out and Morrison pushes Miz in a wheelchair.

Miz apologizes for interrupting and Morrison says Miz has nothing to be sorry about.  Miz says he cannot deny that he was tragically injured at Backlash.  The tag team division has become dry.  Morrison says he brought out his Drip Stick to moisten things up.  Miz says that John Morrison has volunteered to compete on behalf of the greatest tag team of the 21st Century.

Orton with an RKO to Morrison and Riddle with an RKO to Kofi.  Orton with an RKO to Liince as we go to commercial.

We are back and the Lashley Ladies’ Lounge is busy (but isn’t there a match that we are supposed to be watching?)

We begin with the wrestlers preparing to play Red Rover and then Morrison stands around while Kofi and Xavier try to eliminate Riddle.  Morrison sends Lince over the top rope but he slides back in.  Morrison is sent to the apron and Morrison kicks LInce.  Lince is sent to the apron but he sends Morrison to the apron and Dorado with a drop kick but Morrison holds on and he sprays Dorado with the drip stick and Morrison kicks Lince over the top rope to eliminate him.  Mace and T-Bar stand in front of Morrison and Morrison asks for help and he tosses the drip stick but Morrison is eliminated by Mace and T-Bar.  Erik tries to eliminate Mace but T-Bar with a forearm.  T-Bar with a back breaker and he tosses Riddle aside as Riddle tries for a Kimura.  Mace and T-Bar take care of Orton and then they hit stereo choke slams on Woods and Kofi.  Mace and T-Bar try for a double choke slam on Orton or send him over the top.  Riddle makes the save and Mace and T-Bar with a double sit out choke slam to Riddle.

Mace and T-Bar stand off against Erik and Ivar.  Kofi and Xavier attack Mace and T-Bar while Orton gets involved.  T-Bar is eliminated and then Mace is eliminated on the other side of the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Orton sends Kofi into the turnbuckles while Woods goes for a belly-to-back suplex on Riddle but Riddle lands on his feet.  Woods with a rolling elbow and then Erik and Ivar with shoulder tackles to Woods.  Riddle kicks Erik and Ivar.  Riddle goes for an RKO on Erik but Ivar with a springboard clothesline while Erik hits a German suplex.  Riddle is eliminated.  Woods drop kicks Erik and Woods and Kofi with kicks to Ivar.  They kick Erik and Ivar in the knees and then they go for a double team move but Erik eliminates Woods.  Erik runs Ivar into Woods.  Orton sends Ivar shoulder first into the ring post.  Orton with clotheslines to Erik.  Orton with a power slam.

Ivar gets Orton up for a power slam but Orton escapes.  Ivar with a cartwheel and then Erik with a knee and Erik gets Ivar up and Kofi takes care of them with a double stomp.  Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise but Riddle returns to the ring and then Orton eliminates Kofi and Erik and Ivar eliminate Orton.

Winners:  Erik and Ivar

We take a look at the miraculous run of Nikki Cross being able to not lose in two minutes the last two weeks.

Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce are in the back and then Sonya’s friend Charlotte Flair arrives.  Charlotte says that you saw what happened last week and she was pressured into a match and she wants the loss removed from her record.  Adam says that Charlotte accepted the match and Sonya finally agrees with Adam about something.

Charlotte says that they are flustered and they are jealous of her.  Charlotte demands a rematch against Nikki Cross.

Rhea Ripley shows up and she says respects Nikki Cross.  Rhea says she should have taken Nikki seriously.  If anyone deserves a rematch against Nikki, it is her.

Adam and Sonya discuss options.  Sonya says Rhea and Charlotte will face Nikki and a partner of her choosing.

Charlotte says that she will have no problem.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Erik and Ivar hit each other over getting a tag title match.  Ivar says he is getting so hungry so let’s go feast.  Turkey legs, they are on me.

AJ and Omos show up and Omos holds a turkey leg.  AJ says he doesn’t know much about Vikings.  He says they are wannabe Vikings.  Erik says the way he lives honors the Vikings that came before him.  If you have a problem, he has a problem.  

Alexa says once upon a time, a little girl was lost, but she was rescued by the darkness and it taught her everything.  On the way, she unlocked something truly evil.  We see Lilly.  Alexa says she is just getting started.

Elias is in the ring.

Elias says there will be no other introduction tonight.  You could have been walking out with the new tag team champions but it is Jaxson Ryker’s fault.  If he had done what he said, they would be champions.  Jaxson became completely unhinged.  For his career and sanity, he had to get away.

Elias says he had no choice.  The first time he met Jaxson, he didn’t see this unbridled potential.  He looked into Ryker’s cold eyes and he saw the ghosts of war.  He saw a man who would go into battle, but not someone who would go to battle for me.  I walked out on Ryker, but that does not mean there is a universal truth and that is WWE stands for Walk With Elias.

Jaxson Ryker attacks Elias from behind with his new ‘is that Miro’ look.  Ryker throws the guitar up the ramp and then he continues the attack until referees can pull Ryker off.

We go to commercial.

Match Nubmer Two:  Jaxson Ryker versus Elias

Ryker with punches and an Irish whip followed by a splash.  Ryker with a back elbow and forearms.  Ryker with a kick and clothesline that sends Elias over the top rope to the floor.  Ryker follows Elias to the floor and Ryker punches Elias.  Elias kicks Ryker and they return to the ring and Elias with more kicks.  Ryker with a forearm.  Ryker with a head butt.  Elias with a spinebuster for a near fall.  Elias with punches.  Ryker with a forearm and kicks.  Elias with a reverse atomic drop and he gets Ryker on his shoulders but Ryker grabs teh beard to escape.  Ryker with a choke slam and Elias goes to the floor.

Elias decides to go to the back so he gets counted out.

Winner:  Jaxson Ryker (by count out)

We take a look back at last week’s number one contender match between Kofi Kingston and Drew McIntyre.

Drew McIntyre makes his way to the ring because it is time for that time honored tradition in WWE . . . THE CONTRACT SIGNING!!!!

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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