February 17, 2025

Theodore and Jane Norman Salary Replacement Award

Jane Norman #JaneNorman

Faculty who receive major, prestigious external grants or fellowships (e.g., Guggenheim; Fulbright; ACLS; NEH; Radcliffe Institute; AAAS Fellows; and grants from “in- residence” centers such as the National Humanities Center) may request salary replacement, up to a maximum of $25,000 per semester, to maintain the level of that salary for up to one year (two semesters). Recipients may also request continuation of health insurance and other benefits while on leave, although certain benefits may not be available or may be reduced because of legal limitations in the benefits plans.


All continuing, full-time faculty in arts and sciences are eligible, but preference will be given to faculty who have not recently received a Norman Salary Replacement Award.

Selection Criteria and Procedure

The Dean of Arts and Sciences will review requests and determine the amount of salary replacement. Requests will be judged on the basis of the candidate’s long-term contributions and commitment to Brandeis, and on the potential contribution of the fellowship/grant to the faculty member’s long-term research, scholarly, creative trajectory and/or professional development.

Application Procedure

To request a salary replacement award, please email the following to the Dean of Arts and Sciences:

  • a description of the nature and terms of the external fellowship or grant received, including all financial information;
  • the amount requested for salary replacement; and
  • confirmation that your chair is aware of the award and supports your request.
  • Attach the award letter/email and any financial information provided by categories (salary, travel, stipend, and so forth). A parallel request for unpaid leave or sabbatical should also be submitted using the Faculty Academic Leave Request Form. Requests will be considered at any time, but preference will be given to requests received by April 1 of the year preceding the leave/sabbatical. Where possible, faculty applying for such grants or fellowships, who anticipate asking for Norman salary replacement funding if the grant/fellowship is awarded, should notify the dean’s office at the time of the initial application to the outside agency, to facilitate budgetary planning.

    Payment Procedure

    Once salary replacement is granted, please contact Traci Walkup, Senior Budget Analyst for the School of Arts and Sciences (ext. 6-4652), as soon as possible to discuss appropriate payment procedures and issues related to benefits and fringes.

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