January 11, 2025

The Montero

Montero #Montero

In the seventh mission of Aliens: Dark Descent, your squad will return to Berkley’s Docks to infiltrate an old hauler called the Montero. It’s a dangerous mission in a small space packed with enemies. You’ll have to be clever to ensure it isn’t a firefight the whole way through. This walkthrough will take you through the events of the Montero mission step by step.

Montero Start.jpg


The Objectives work a little awkwardly in this mission. There are only two Primary Objectives and two Secondary Objectives

Primary Objectives:

  • Reach the Montero
  • Steal the Montero’s Gas Mixing Chip
  • Secondary Objectives:

  • Restore Power to the Ship
  • Retrieve Marlow’s Research
  • However, when you reach the Montero, you’ll notice that there are suddenly eight Primary Objectives and seven Secondary Objectives. These new objectives track all of the little steps you’ll take along the way, but only the larger objectives matter. When you leave the mission, only the completion of the larger objectives will be recorded.

    What to Bring

    This mission requires careful positioning and the use of stealth. If you’re not careful, you’ll be in combat the whole time. There are three things you can bring to give yourself the best chance at laying low:


    While not strictly necessary, it might also be a good idea to bring a Tecker. There are many encrypted doors that block off rooms that are packed with supplies.

    If you’re looking for a few tips to sharpen your command skills, check out the following guides:

    Reach the Montero

    After your team leaves the safety of the APC, they need to head directly northeast to board a loading elevator that will take them to the Montero. There’s a single xenomorph lying in wait over a wall to the east of the elevator. Take it out or sneak past it to get aboard and take the elevator down to the Montero.

    Montero Map 1.jpg

    Secondary Objective: Restore Power to the Ship

    As soon as you board the Montero, you’ll be ambushed by Darwin Era cultists. Soon after, they cut the power to make your efforts to explore the ship that much harder. After you take out the ambushers, drop a Motion Sensor and a couple of Mines nearby. Then, take the following path to the Generator Room. 


    Montero Map 2.jpg

    There’s a survivor in a cocoon along the way. They’re marked with a yellow star on the map above. If you’d like to save them, you can do so now or wait until the end of the mission.

    If you’re getting hassled on your way to the Generator Room, activate the Motion Sensor you dropped near the elevator to draw the enemies away.

    When you get to the Generator Room, your squad will find a Power Loader and two batteries that need to be reinstalled. Before anyone jumps into the Power Loader, take a moment to set up two Sentry Guns, one facing each door.

    Then, order a Marine into the Power Loader. They’ll pilot it themselves while the rest of your squad holds out against an onslaught of enemies. There are oil barrels placed conveniently at both doors that you can blow to take out a few enemies.

    Montero Generator Room.gif

    After the batteries are reinstalled, order a Marine to interact with the terminal to turn the power back on. While they’re doing that, set up a Motion Sensor with a couple of Mines.

    Steal the Montero’s Gas Mixing Chip: Control Room


    Next you need to head to the Control Room. Here’s a direct route that should keep you out of the way of most enemies. There’s a Security Room along the way marked with a green star where you can find supplies, access the ship’s cameras, and pick up a Datapad.

    Montero Map 3.jpg

     If you’re getting swarmed, activate the Motion Sensor you left in the Generator Room. 

    The Control Room is guarded by a handful of cultists, but if you took the above route, you’ll flank them. They should prove easier that way. When they’re down, access the terminal to advance the Primary Objective and pick up the next Secondary Objective.

    Your Marines are probably Stressed by now, so pick one of the two small rooms attached to the Control Room to take a rest in.

    Secondary Objective: Retrieve Marlow’s Research

    Marlow’s Research project is a Xenotech device that’s locked in a room somewhere on the ship. To find it, you’ll need to track down two Datapads. The first is in a large room guarded by several facehugger eggs. 

    To get there from the Control Room, take the following path. The green diamonds indicate Datapads. Remember that you can drop Motion Sensors and Mines along the way to distract your pursuers. 


    Montero Map 4.jpg

    When you get to the room, enter carefully. There are eggs to the north and south of the Datapad. Blow them away with a couple of Grenade Launcher blasts and then move in to retrieve it.

    Montero eggs meet grenades.gif

    The second Datapad you need is in a large room far on the west end of the ship. Here’s the safest route that’ll give you a good position to assault the room from:

    Montero Map 5.jpg

    When you get there, take the cultists guarding the room by surprise with a Grenade Launcher blast. Then, duck for cover under the desk near the door.

    Montero take cultist by surprise.gif

    Pick up the Datapad on the far side of the room to learn a general location for Marlow’s lab. It’s a little east of your current position. Before you track it down, open the north door to find the AI Room. In it, you’ll see a classic MUTHUR 6000. Interact with it to advance the Primary Objective.


    When you have both Datapads, you’re ready to enter Marlow’s Lab. Take the following route to get there, where you’ll find the Xenotech for the Montero mission.

    Montero Map 6.jpg

    Steal the Montero’s Gas Mixing Chip: Hypersleep Chambers

    Now that you’ve batted your way back and forth across the ship, your squad is probably about ready to go home. Don’t worry; they’re almost done. 

    Montero Leaving.jpg

    Exit Marlow’s lab and take a left to find the Hypersleep Chambers you’re looking for. Order a Marine to interact with the terminal, and you’ll get what you came for. Now you can leave this place far behind you. If you left the survivor from the first Objective hanging, go ahead and make your way back to pick them up. 

    This would also be a good time to look for any supplies or collectibles you might have missed. When you’re ready, make your way back to the elevator at the center of the map and head back out to the APC. 

    Note: You might have one or two missing Secondary Objectives, but when you get to the Mission Completion screen, there are only two Secondary Objectives. As long as you restored power to the ship and retrieved Marlow’s research, both Secondary Objectives will be marked completed.


    When you’re ready, check out our walkthrough on the next mission: Extraction.

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