September 25, 2024

The Messiah of the ‘Second Coming’ has come for Easter 2021

Messiah #Messiah

The Messiah Made the Proclamation of the “Second Coming” for the New Millennium

SALT LAKE CITY — The Year 2020 was full of disasters with Coronavirus Pandemic, social conflicts, political turmoil, and economic shutdown. It was the Darkness before Dawn as prophesied in the Bible. Now, as the “Christmas Star” appeared at the end of the last year and the “Trumpet of God” already sounded, the long-awaited “Second Coming” has finally come!

This time, it’s the coming of the “Second Child” prophesied in the Bible, the “Man Child” born under the reign of the “Red Dragon” as prophesied in Revelation 12, who would later come to the land of the “Great Eagle” (Revelation 12:14) after he grew up, and eventually come out as the Messiah for the “Second Coming” (Revelation 19:11-21). Just as prophesied by Jesus Christ two thousand years ago, “For as lightning that comes from the East is visible even in the West, so will be the coming of the Son of Man” (Matthew 24:27).

On the past Palm Sunday, March 28, 2021, YiChen Messiah, the Messiah of the “Second Coming” hosted a teleconference of the “Second Coming” to announce the First Part of the Proclamation of the “Second Coming” for the New Millennium to unveil the 2,000-year mystery of the Book of Revelation. On the coming Easter Sunday, YiChen Messiah will reveal the forecast and solutions for the future of the world.

“Many people thought the ‘Second Coming’ would be a Supernatural Phenomenon of Christ coming from the sky with thousands of angels,” said YiChen, “that’s the spiritual phenomenon happening in the Spiritual Realm only, not in our physical world.”

In the physical world, there were Five Stages of the “Second Coming” according to the prophecies in the Bible’s Book of Revelation. And both the Messiah and the 144,000 heavenly beings were already manifested in this world as normal persons, just like Jesus and John the Baptist were born two thousand years ago.

“As Jesus warned before, there would be many false Christs and false prophets coming in his name at the ‘End Time’,” said YiChen Messiah, “what they don’t understand is that the real Messiah not only needs to decode the 2,000-year mystery of the Book of Revelation, but also needs to fulfill these prophecies of the Five Stages of the Second Coming prophesied in the Book of Revelation.”

In the Proclamation of the “Second Coming” for the New Millennium, the Messiah reveals the keys to authenticating the Real Messiah from all those false claimers as well as the special signs and timing of the “Second Coming.” He will also bring forth the New Revelation of the “Eternal Gospel” for “every nation, tribe, language and people” as prophesied in the Book of Revelation 14:6.

The First Part of the New Revelation of the “Eternal Gospel” is to decode the 2,000-year mystery of the Book of Revelation at the end of the New Testament, which was published as the book, Revelation Fulfilled, with substantial historical testimony of major historical events in the Christian world in the last two thousand years.

“From now on, this book, Revelation Fulfilled, will be the official guide book for the Book of Revelation., and it will also be the Book of Chronicles for the New Testament.” said YiChen Messiah, “All the major historical or political events in the last two thousand years were prophesied in the Bible’s Book of Revelation. People had free will to do whatever they wanted, but in the end, God would determine the final rewards or judgment for every major historical or political movement in the history.”

“This time, I will use both ancient scriptures and world history to show people the heavenly wisdom on how the Word of God worked throughout human history,” said YiChen Messiah, “Only through the lesson of history will people will realize the real power of the judgment and rewards of God.”

Just as Jesus Christ brought the New Testament of God on the Salvation Gospel in his “First Coming” two thousand years ago, the Messiah of the “Second Coming” also brought the New Revelation of God for the New Millennium, the Eternal Gospel for “every nation, tribe, language and people” prophesied in Revelation 14:6. This Eternal Gospel prophesied in the Book of Revelation 14:6 will be the New Millennium Testament of God for the New Millennium, the third and last Testament of the Holy Bible Trilogy following the Old Testament and New Testament.”

For more updated information on the upcoming Teleconference on the Proclamation of the Second Coming” and the New Revelation of “Eternal Gospel” for the New Millennium, please visit the website:


Contact:YiChen MessiahWord of God Ministry for the New Millennium801-895-3699[email protected]

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