September 20, 2024

The Lathums

The Lathums #TheLathums

From the broken heart of a boy in his bedroom to the unimaginable gift of the love of strangers, The Lathums’ tale is one of resilience, hope and a brothe rand sisterhood growing far beyond their own, madcap bubble.It’s now told across 12, beautifully crafted songs, including the singles that have made them the fastest rising, British guitar band of 2021–The Great Escape, Oh My Love, Fight On, I’ll Get By, I See Your Ghost andI Know That Much. From slogging their gear into the north of England’s pubs and small venues to causing stampedes for tickets to ride the communal, euphoric wave of their live shows, it’s the band’s ability to sing the words everyone else feels that made their fans cling on and neither they or The Lathums want to let go. Alex Moore has cast a new outline of the modern frontman, singing alongside student of the Marr-esque jangle guitar, Scott Concepcion, anchored by rapid-fire, wise-cracking bassist, Jonny Cunliffe (aka: Bass Mon Jon) and steady, rhythmic, wise head, Ryan Durrans on drums. Pithily described by those closest as ‘like The Inbetweeners in a Shane Meadows film’, they have proved themselves to be four bright, wild flowers growing between grey paving stones. Tags

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