October 7, 2024

The 10 Most Impactful Political Moves in Game of Thrones

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House of The Dragon has lately been trying to soar itself away from the shadow that was left behind in its predecessor series’ wake. So far, each new episode has built up a great level of action and suspense as everyone waits to see the Targaryen civil war play out, while several other powerful figures also make a play for the Iron Throne.

George R.R. Martin’s tales are not merely vehicles for fantasy but a laid out historical guide into the many political and cultural factions across his fantastic world. With that comes powerful adversaries, who are armed with neither a sword and shield, but yield influence and wield cunning intellect. Game of Thrones was filled with these characters whose very purpose was politicking. It was the political actions of these few that had the most impact on the series as a whole both good and bad.

Tyrion’s Game Of Telephone With The Small Council

Tyrion may have only been a stand-in Hand of The King for the duration of season 2, but he still managed to make an impact in his father’s stead. Per Tywin’s order, Tyrion serves the realm and is assigned to whiff out any possible treasonous figures who may plot against Joffrey’s claim.

Related: 10 Times Tyrion Lannister Proved He Was The Smartest Character In Game Of Thrones

In a feat to test everyone’s loyalties during a time of crisis, Tyrion feeds the small council members each a different proposal idea for Cersei’s only daughter, Myrcella. The plan works well enough for Tyrion to root out those he deems traitors, for the time being. His imprisonment of Grand Maester Pycelle would soon backfire on him in a big way, especially during his trial for the murder of King Joffrey.

The Great Game Between Varys And Littlefinger

Spy networks were not very prevalent during the age of Kings and Queens (which wouldn’t come until the 19th century). However, in the world of a Song of Ice and Fire, they managed to be more advanced in organizing intelligence communities, with the most prevalent belonging to Lord Varys and Petyr Baelish respectively.

The Spider’s network of “little birds” barely beats out Littlefinger’s, but even the shrewd Lord of Harrenhall managed a network to collect enough information to stand on par with the Master of Whispers. These two would go on to dig up all the necessary dirt upon their enemies in order to further their own goals.

The Marriage Between Daenerys And Khal Drogo

Viserys may have been wrong on just about everything, but he did unintentionally arrange a powerful match between the Targaryens and the Dothraki. Although it did not meet his expectations to carry him across the Narrow Sea with a full-fledged army to claim Westeros in his name, it did, however, do so for the sister he abused.

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By introducing the Dothraki to Daenerys, she was able to effectively lead an entire army on her path to reclaim the Iron Throne and inspire others along the way to join and fight. This was the alliance that gave Daenerys the confidence enough to trudge on her long and arduous journey to reclaim her birthright.

Varys Gathers Westerosi Allies For Daenerys

Ever since he revealed his true loyalties to an imprisoned Ned Stark, Lord Varys has stayed true to his word in “protecting” the realm (even if that means putting its rightful ruler back upon the Iron Throne).

Once Daenerys makes her way towards Westeros, it becomes apparent that she will need more home support from the Westeros hierarchy. Striking bargains with the Tyrells and Oberons was necessary to garner alliances that can give her claim more legitimacy. But his biggest contribution would be handing the future Queen a well-versed hand to advise her.

The Execution Of Eddard Stark

The War of the Five Kings was all but inevitable, but it may not have been as high in body count if Sean Bean managed to live for once. Jokes aside, the death of Eddard Stark under the orders of the newly appointed King Joffrey, remains one of the more jaw-dropping moments in GoT because of the assured consequences that would inevitably follow.

Ned may not have been much for politicking due to his honest nature, but he was certainly a valuable hostage. Both Tywin and Tyrion knew of this, and, unfortunately, they were not in King’s Landing at the time to prevent it. This action would serve as a call to arms across the North for independence from the kingdom that killed the last two Wardens of the North in their halls.

Robert Baratheon’s Rule Accrues An Enormous Debt To The Lannisters

By his own admittance, the title of king itself was more important to Robert Baratheon than the actual responsibilities that came with it. So when he laid claim to the Iron Throne after defeating Prince Rhaegar at the Trident, Robert began to pour away the kingdom’s finances into lavish parties, tournaments, or any other event that had nothing to do with running the kingdom.

After Robert defeated Rhaegar, all that was left was King’s Landing. Thanks to Robert’s rebellion, Tywin Lannister knew a winning side when he saw one and acted accordingly when he sacked the capital in Robert’s name. This would make Robert forever grateful to the Lannisters, eventually leading to him finding himself in a marriage pact and dependent on their wealth. Effectively, this would help Tywin amass even more power than he had as Aerys Targaryen’s Hand of The King.

The Marriage Alliance Between The Tyrells And The Lannisters

Tenuous at best, hostile at its worst, the alliance between the two wealthiest families of the Seven Kingdoms could only last so long as their goals aligned. So when it came to the universal rule of the “enemy of my enemy is my friend,” in regard to Stannis Baratheon, the two houses reluctantly called to arms with one another.

Together, these two houses managed to hold up the Seven Kingdoms for the time being while Tywin and Olenna were still alive. As they were the only two who knew when to keep calm and carry on, unless it absolutely called for it. But soon this relationship would deteriorate once one saw no use for the other, allowing for a war of sorts to form between the two.

Sansa’s Declaration Of Independence From Westeros

Though Robb tried to claim independence away from the Seven Kingdoms militarily, it was Sansa who ultimately achieved it diplomatically. The North is easily the largest of the Seven Kingdoms and the furthest away from King’s Landing, the North always felt an outsider to the rest of Westeros.

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Their religions were more with the old gods than they were with the Seven, and their customs and traditions were considered too “backwoods” for the other nobles within the nation. It was only natural that the North would want to separate themselves and when Sansa found herself in the position to do so peacefully, she did not hesitate.

Tywin Orchestrates The Red Wedding

The years following the sack of King’s Landing had hardly made Tywin a “kinder man.” His strategy in ending the Northern Rebellion would prove just that as he was willing and cunning enough to end a war in the most brutal and personal way possible by ending it at a wedding.

The Red Wedding will easily go down as one of the most shocking moments in TV history for its brutality, as an entire family celebrating is massacred by their hosts in a matter of seconds. As Tyrion pointed out to Tywin, Walder Frey and Roose Bolton would ultimately recieve the “credit or blame,” but they both knew full well who made it possible and who would earn a generational ire from the North.

Littlefinger Manipulates Everyone Into The War Of The Five Kings

Everything started with a piece of parchment. The tensions between the Starks and the Lannisters would not have been lit if it weren’t for Petyr Baelish’s machinations. By manipulating an impressionable Lysa Arryn into murdering her husband and sending a letter to her sister, Catelyn Stark, to “beware the Lannisters,” this was but all the push needed to satisfy Littlefinger’s sue for chaos.

The ladder he so desperately longed for was finally at his reach when the War of the Five Kings broke out. It was he who also claimed that the Valyrian dagger that almost took the life of Bran Stark was none other than Tyrion’s, all but ensuring the house rivalry between the Starks and Lannisters would not end unless there was war. And war there was, along with an entire series’ worth of conflicts.

Next: Members Of House Targaryen, Ranked By Political Ability In House Of The Dragon

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