That’s RECORDING ARTIST Vin Diesel to You, Chumps!
Vin Diesel #VinDiesel

Friends, let us all take a brief pause today for a moment of reflection and gratitude. Yes, things are terrible in about a thousand different ways right now—and yes, for those of us in the U.S., things will likely only get worse in the months to come ahead of the election, yada yada despair and doom. But thanks to our Lord and Savior Vin Diesel, this Friday afternoon brings a little ray of light.
Vin Diesel has already given us so much: the Fast & Furious franchise, the voice of Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy, and living proof that, yes, being bald can be super hot. But now he has given us the greatest gift of all—the gift of song. A song by him, Vin Diesel. A song that’s titled “Feel Like I Do” and also… might actually be a bop?
No, seriously. Listen to this!
Get a load of those deliciously mumbly, warbly vocals! Of that beat that invites even the most inept dancers to sway along on a rooftop while holding red Solo cups. Of those chill vibes that maybe, just maybe, could transport your brain to better, simpler times. Drink it all in like a fine rosé on the shores of Ibiza. (I am pronouncing it “Ibitha” in my head for emphasis!)
Yes, as you have likely gathered by now I am one of those Vin Diesel stans (Dieselites?) who would follow him to the moon and back. And not just when Fast 9 takes us all to space. But I’m evidently not the only one who can’t get enough of Recording Artist Vin Diesel. When our gravely-voiced king debuted his song for Kelly Clarkson on her daytime show, the American Idol alum and her audience were feeling it.
But as surprising as this new career venture might be to some, devout Dieselers will likely remember the time he blessed us with his soulful rendition of Rihanna’s “Stay.” It was earnestness incarnate, and also just perfect.
At this point, there’s only one thing to say: Vin Diesel better get a song on the Fast 9 soundtrack.