January 24, 2025

Test yourself with Carol Vorderman’s Perfect 10 quiz

Carol #Carol

(Answers are at the bottom of the article.)

Round one

1 On a standard UK keyboard, over which number would you find the £ symbol?

2 Carolaterol thinking What would come next in this sequence: 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1,280, 2,560?

3 Frivolous, familiar and fun Ivan Drago, Clubber Lang and Apollo Creed are all characters in which series of films?

4 Frivolous, familiar and fun Zwanzig is German for which number?

5 Frivolous, familiar and fun Is an avocado a fruit or a vegetable?

6 See and say Which phrase is represented in this image?

7 Memory These are the minutes for the March meeting of the Aberkeld parish council, chaired by Reverend Simon Stokes.

It was decided that the proceeds of the Christmas fair should be distributed between the Scouts, the Girl Guides and the fund for the replacement of the boiler in the Village Hall. Approval of the application by the Women’s Guild to hold their 50th Anniversary on 15 June in a marquee on Rector’s Paddock has been granted. The Aberkeld Players would like to perform their summer concert on the village green. A notice has been placed in the post office asking for any objections to be sent to the parish clerk, Mrs Montague.

Who is holding an event on Rector’s Paddock?

8 Two in, two out Which two letters can you change in the word “robot” to get a small bird?

9 I know I know this! In our solar system, which is the fifth planet from the sun?

10 The daily riddle Which animal can jump higher than the Eiffel Tower?

Round two

1 What is the most commonly sold spice in the world?

2 Carolaterol thinking What two words can go before the words “beat”, “grade”, “load”, “right”, “side”, “stream” and “town” to create new ones?

3 Frivolous, familiar and fun Where would you wear an espadrille?

4 Frivolous, familiar and fun “Once you pop, you can’t stop” was the advertising slogan for which brand?

5 Frivolous, familiar and fun In which sport are you most likely to “finish on a double”?

6 See and say Which phrase is represented in this image?

7 Memory

Welcome to the Reef Angel. I just wanted to let you know what to expect. The first dive will be in about 15 metres of water and we will spend about 10 minutes at that depth as we move towards the wall. There, we will descend to 30 metres for about 20 minutes. On the way we expect to see rays, maybe some reef sharks and if we are lucky some whitetip sharks. There’s a few aggressive conger eels, so keep an eye out. And watch out for temperature changes to keep an eye on your depth. We will decompress for five minutes at seven metres and the Reef Angel will meet us at the wall.

What is the maximum depth to which the group will dive?

8 Two in, two out Which two letters can you change in the word “darker” to get a traditional item of bridal wear?

9 I know I know this! If you want to make a grandfather clock go slower, do you make the pendulum longer or shorter?

10. The daily riddle If you enter a room in which there are 25 people and you kill 18 of them, how many people are in the room?

Round three

1 What does the acronym GPS stand for?

2 Carolaterol thinking What connects the following numbers: 6,381,836; 5,213,125; 3,420,243; 9,849,489; 1,207,021 and 4,503,054?

3 Frivolous, familiar & fun Which country is home to the football team Juventus?

4 Frivolous, familiar & fun What is the largest carnivore native to the UK?

5 Frivolous, familiar & fun According to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, which number is the answer to life, the universe and everything?

6 See and say Which phrase is represented in this image?

7 Memory

Listen up, party people! We have 200 acres full of fun and music for you here at Marshall Field. We are expecting 25,000 fans this weekend, so look after each other. There are 12 food and beverage outlets for your delectation. Our food ranges from Mexican tacos to plant-based Japanese. Our three music stages are the Octagon, the Pentagon and the Sphere, and music starts at all three at 3pm. The Old Ebbitt Grillers are our headline act, taking the stage at the Octagon at 7pm. There’s a medical tent by the main entrance. Left luggage and lost property are located at the Administrators’ Tent behind the Sphere.

On what stage is the headline act playing?

8 Two in, two out Which two letters can you change in the word “satanic” to get an Oscar-winning film of the 1990s?

9 I know I know this! What is the more common name for sodium chloride?

10 The daily riddle A 100-foot rope is tied to Dave’s boat but he wants to sail to an island that’s 50 miles away. How is he able to sail all that way?

Round four

1 Which word can go after “harbour”, “quiz” and “head” to make three other words?

2 Carolaterol thinking What comes next in this sequence: 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125?

3 Frivolous, familiar and fun From which grain is the Japanese spirit sake made?

4 Frivolous, familiar and fun The films The Hurricane, Southpaw and Million Dollar Baby all focus on which sport?

5 Frivolous, familiar and fun How many flavours do Rowntree’s Fruit Pastilles come in?

6 See and say Which phrase is represented in this image?

7 Memory

Hi, Vernon. It’s Jose in Peckham. Can I get 8kg potatoes – Cyprus if you’ve got them – six bunches of sparrow grass, 4kg banana shallots, 3kg Padron peppers, 12 head garlic, 6kg piccolo tomatoes and 20 bull’s heart tomatoes. If you’ve got any good Gariguette strawberries, I’ll take eight boxes. If not I’ll just stick with the raspberries. And can you let me know if there’s any blood oranges left? End of season I know, but I’ll take as many as you can get.

How many kilograms of piccolo tomatoes does Jose ask for?

8 Two in, two out Which two letters can you change in the word “early” to get a celebration?

9 I know I know this! Which film-maker holds the record for receiving the most Academy Awards?

10 The daily riddle The more of me there is, the less you can see. What am I?

Round five

1 As of 2023, who was the last prime minister to not have a wife?

2 Carolaterol thinking Can you crack the code to reveal the name of this chemical element: DPQQFS?

3 Frivolous, familiar and fun Which British actor has played Alfred Hitchcock, Richard Nixon and Odin?

4 Frivolous, familiar and fun What number did David Beckham wear on his shirt while playing for Manchester United?

5 Frivolous, familiar and fun “After all, tomorrow is another day” is the final line of which classic Hollywood film?

6 See and say Which phrase is represented in this image?

7 Memory

So you’re from Florida? I went to Florida once. Miami. Great fun. Always wanted to go back. Maybe get a car and head down to Key West and Key Largo. I like Hemingway. I’d love to see the six-toed cats, have a Cuba Libre. But more likely I’m going to Sheringham. You heard of it? No? Norfolk. Lovely up there. Beautiful beaches. Been going there for 40 years. My granny first took me in 1982. I love the crab sandwiches. The weather’s not as good as Florida, mind, but not so many hurricanes.

When did the speaker first go to Norfolk?

8 Two in, two out Which two letters can you change in the word “canoe” to get something that is sung at Christmas?

9 I know I know this! Which US state comes first alphabetically?

10 The daily riddle How is it possible to throw a ball as hard as you can and yet it still comes back to you, even though there’s nothing attached to it, nobody else is around and it doesn’t bounce off anything?

The answers

Round one1 3. 2 5,120 – we’ve started with 10 and we’re multiplying the answer by 2 each time. 3 Rocky. 4 20.5 A fruit. 6 Flash in the pan. 7 The Women’s Guild. 8 Change the second “o” to an “i” and change the letter “t” to an “n” to get “robin”. 9 Jupiter. 10 Most of them – the Eiffel Tower can’t jump!

Round two1 Black pepper.2 Up and down (upbeat, downbeat, upgrade, downgrade, upload, download, upright, downright, upside, downside, upstream, downstream, uptown, downtown).3 On your foot.4 Pringles.5 Darts. 6 In one ear and out the other.7 30 metres. 8 Change the letter “d” to a “g” and change the letter “k” to a “t” to get “garter”.9 Longer.10 26 – the seven people still alive, the 18 dead people, and you.

Round three1 Global Positioning System. 2 They are all palindromic, reading the same backwards as forwards.3 Italy.4 Badger.5 42.6 Under no illusions.7 The Octagon.8 Change the letter “s” to a “t” and change the first “a” to an “i” to get “Titanic”, 9 Salt. 10 The other end of the rope isn’t tied to anything.

Round four1 Master. Harbourmaster, quizmaster and headmaster.2 0.0625 – we are halving every time.3 Rice.4 Boxing. 5 Five: lemon, lime, strawberry, blackcurrant and orange.6 Pop the question.7 6.8 Change the letter “e” to a “p” and change the letter “l” to a “t” to get “party”.9 Walt Disney.10 Darkness.

Round five1 Liz Truss (she had a husband).2 The answer is copper. Each letter in the code is one letter further on in the alphabet.3 Anthony Hopkins.4 7.5 Gone With the Wind.6 Caught between a rock and a hard place.7 1982.8 Change the letter “n” to an “r” and change the letter “e” to an “l” to get “carol”. 9 Alabama.10 By throwing it straight up into the air – it will come back down again.

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