Telepathy, Psychology, and Litetrature
Telepathy #Telepathy

Today, in this article, I’m going to tell you that how the telepathy, psychology, and literature is interlinked. But, before I proceed further with my article, let’s have a basic definition of telepathy so that we can understand this article with ease. So, according to the Cambridge Dictionary, “the ability to know what is in someone else’s mind, or to communicate with someone mentally, without using words or other physical signals” is called telepathy.
Different people have different opinions regarding its existence. Some believe in it, while others not.
Anyway, if we do even a basic search about telepathy on Google, we’d find that the search results in its favor are more. In an article ( ), its author has shared that, “Stevenson carefully investigated and reported a case of a twin sister living in Italy suddenly experienced pains and other symptoms that were physically inexplicable which later matched with the premature labor of her twin sister living in Philadelphia. The twin in Italy knew about the pregnancy of her sister but neither she nor her pregnant twin sister had any indication of anything amiss with the pregnancy.”
In an another article ( ), its author has shared that, ” Telepathy refers to communication outside of the known senses. Many studies have demonstrated that we can “read” other people’s minds because we have neurons that act as automatic mirrors. In fact, we can grasp the intentions and emotions of others automatically. In 2007, psychology professor Gregor Domes and his colleagues found evidence that the ability to interpret subtle social cues can be enhanced by oxytocin, a hormone that increases trust and social approach behavior.”
By reading these above excerpts from the two different articles (you can click on their given links to read the complete articles), it’ll be wrong to say that the it’s completely baseless to believe telepathy. And, if we go a bit more ahead in it, we’ll get to know and understand that how it’s (telepathy) related to psychology. By the help of Para-psychology we will be able to learn much more about it.
Proceeding ahead in this article, now we will see that how it is interlinked with the literature as well. In literature, we generally get to read poems, dramas, plays, essays, novels, etc. but not the telepathy, isn’t it? Your answer will be, “yes,” I know. But in the literature also, we will find that the character(s) in some of the novels using telepathy, and while doing so, they can’t lie. For an example, in Ursula Le Guin’s novel The Left Hand of Darkness (1969), Genly Ai is capable of “mind-speech” (essentially telepathy) and says it is impossible to lie when using mind-speech. Also, in Liu Cixin’s novel The Three-Body Problem (2006/2008), the inhabitants of the planet Trisolaris communicate with each other using telepathy and are unable to lie. It’s not only limited to the novels, but we can also feel its presence in the TV Serials and movies as well. And this is how the telepathy is interlinked with the literature, too.