Teen Wolf: The Movie creator and stars discuss time jump, Stiles’ absence and Allison’s return
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Beacon Hills is calling once again, but Scott McCall (Tyler Posey) and Derek Hale (Tyler Hoechlin) have changed a lot since we last saw them on Teen Wolf. And we really do mean: a lot.
When Teen Wolf: The Movie picks back up with the werewolf duo, a lot of time has passed since the MTV series signed off with its series finale. “These two are back in a big way and we get to see them in their lives later,” creator Jeff Davis revealed in EW’s Comic-Con video suite on Thursday. “I can tell you it’s a jump in time ahead so we actually see an older Scott McCall. Scott McCall is now older than Tyler Posey.”
“And I’ve always been older than Scott McCall,” Posey adds. “It’s very weird. It’s cool but it’s nice. I’ve always played a teenager my entire life so now it’s nice to play a 30-plus-year-old.”
Teen Wolf
MTV ‘Teen Wolf: The Movie’ creator and stars discuss time jump, Stiles’ absence and Allison’s return
The movie’s logline reads: “In Teen Wolf The Movie, a full moon rises in Beacon Hills, and with it a terrifying evil has emerged. The wolves are howling once again, calling for the return of Banshees, Werecoyotes, Hellhounds, Kitsunes, and every other shapeshifter in the night. But only a Werewolf like Scott McCall, no longer a teenager yet still an Alpha, can gather both new allies and reunite trusted friends to fight back against what could be the most powerful and deadliest enemy they’ve ever faced.”
So how is Scott different now that he’s grown up? “Beacon Hills royally messed him up and everybody else that was living there — except for Peter Hale, he thrives in Beacon Hills,” Posey says. “But Scott’s wanting to make a change. He lives in Los Angeles now … he wanted to get out, try a new life, try something else on for size, maybe step away from the leadership role a little bit.”
He continues, “As great of a leader as Scott was innately, instinctually, it’s confusing growing up in that world. It takes a toll. Discovering who you are as a human, as an adult, while also trying to save the world, you kind of need to sacrifice one for the other. He wanted to figure himself out, discover himself a little bit. And he’s more relaxed when we first pick up. It’s definitely a different version of him — but then he might have to resort to old ways when Beacon Hills summons him back.”
Story continues
Derek’s also extremely different in the movie … he’s a dad now! “It has its ups and downs,” Hoechlin says of Derek’s life as a father. “I really loved where Derek started on the show and where his story ended. For me, it was a very, very well-told, full story, so I thought it was a great thing to come back as a father and for his new challenge to not be about himself and figuring out who he was but trying to guide his son through that same process.”
“We all wanted to see what would Derek be like as a dad?” Davis says. “Is he a good dad? Is he an okay dad or does he have some issues?” And since both Posey and Hoechlin are producers on the movie, Davis reveals that Hoechlin was actually able to help cast the actor playing his son Eli, Vince Mattis.
But now for the elephant in the room: where is Stiles? Dylan O’Brien is not among the cast returning for the movie, but that doesn’t mean his character is gone for good. “The movie does answer the question of what happened to ‘Stydia,’ so you’re going to have to watch,” Davis says. “And Stiles, while he isn’t in the movie, is ever present in the movie. These characters all leave an influence so there’s no way we could have done it without mentioning him or at least referencing, but all the other characters are there too. You’ll see some familiar faces.”
Watch the full interview in the video above now to see what else Davis, Posey, and Hoechlin revealed about the movie — including how Allison (Crystal Reed) is back despite her death in the series.
Teen Wolf: The Movie will be available to stream on Paramount+.
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