January 23, 2025

‘Stars Wars Day’: Twitter Celebrates Jedi Masters And Yoda; ‘May The 4th Be With You’

Jedi #Jedi

Last Updated: 4th May, 2022 20:49 IST On May 4, every year, the fans of the ‘Star Wars’ franchise use the tagline ‘May the 4th be with you’ to mark Star Wars Day. Read to know details here. star wars day

Image: @gypsy_soul_artistry/Instagram

Star Wars is one of the most successful sci-fi movie franchises of all time. Ever since the debut of the first movie, the franchise has expanded its grasp into TV shows, comic books, theme parks, video games and many more. Such is the popularity of Star Wars that fans of the show have also introduced an unofficial holiday namely, Star Wars day, which is celebrated every year on the fourth day of May to shower their love and appreciation on director George Lucas’ creation.

On May 4, every year, the fans of the franchise use the tagline ‘May the 4th be with you’ to mark the special day. Following the same, ever since Wednesday morning, netizens have taken to Twitter to celebrate ‘Star Wars Day” by sharing the tagline and iconic moments of the film franchise. Take a look at it here:

Twitter celebrates Star Wars Day What is Star Wars Day?

Ever since the release of George Lucas’ Star Wars: A New Hope in 1977, the franchise emerged to be one of the most beloved sects by fans all around the world. The project was followed by two other sequels namely, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of Jedi which were much-loved by fans and critics alike. Speaking of Star Wars Day, fans of the show replace the tagline ‘May the force be with you’ used by Jedi Masters in the franchise to ‘May the 4th be with you’ to pay homage to Star Wars, a creation that was made much ahead of its time.

The earliest usage of the wordplay dates back to 1978 when American newspapers used the phrase in the headlines to celebrate Independence Day on July 4. After this, the phrase was highly popularised in the United Kingdom on May 4, 1979, when newspapers used the tagline to welcome Britain’s new Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. The London Evening News used the phrase in the headline, “May the Fourth Be With You, Maggie. Congratulations!”

It’s been 45 years since the release of the first Star Wars movie and the phenomenon is still growing strong among fans.

(Image: @gypsy_soul_artistry/Instagram)

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