September 21, 2024

Splatoon 3’s Next Splatfest Is A Monster Mashup

Nessie #Nessie

Splatoon 3Image: Nintendo

Nintendo has announced the date and theme of Splatoon 3’s next Splatfest and this one is promising to be particularly monstrous. After getting us to choose between our favourite flavours of chocolate last time around, it’s time to get your tinfoil hats out for this one as the Splatfest asks, “Which of these is real?”

Announced via @NintendoUK, the options on the table this time around are Nessie, Aliens or Bigfoot, with the three teams inking up Turf War battles to become crowned as the creature champ between 1st-3rd April.

The chocolate-themed event wrapped up in mid-February, with Team White Chocolate winning in a clean sweep. We’re once again looking at a pretty quick turnaround between Splatfests in this case so here’s hoping that Nintendo can carry this on into a clearer monthly structure.

We don’t know exactly when voting will open for this one just yet, though judging by the Splatfests of the past, we can expect the booth to appear in the middle of Splatsville around a week before the start date.

This means that we don’t have all that long to think about our picks! We can see a pretty even split going between the three options on this one, but we at Nintendo Life Towers are certainly leaning towards Aliens at the moment.

Why not have your say? Fill out the following poll to let us know who will be getting your vote and be sure to keep an eye on our full Splatfest guide for all of the updates over the coming weeks.

Which team will be getting your vote in the next Splatfest? (720 votes)

  • Nessie31%
  • Aliens59%
  • Bigfoot10%
  • Placed your vote? Take to the comments to let us know which superstition gets your support.


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    Jim Norman

    Be it rambling about video games or superheroes, Jim wears his passions on his sleeve. Usually found replaying a Zelda title instead of working through his ever-growing backlog, he is a huge fan of all-things fantasy and likes nothing more than to chat about it.

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