October 6, 2024

Some Genius Bought The Domain For A Sam Kerr Tweet & Redirected It To A Vid Calling Her GOAT

Sam Kerr #SamKerr

Some cheeky bugger changed the the link on Matildas legend Sam Kerr‘s tweet so it redirects to a video calling Kerr the “GOAT”, and if that isn’t straight facts, I don’t know what is.

At yesterday’s game between the Matildas and Great Britain, Kerr helped bring it home with an incredible second goal. That moment and the team’s elation afterwards quickly became a meme because Kerr’s reaction is utterly priceless.

Both Elie Carpenter and Sam Kerr acknowledged the nail-biting win on Twitter.

In Kerr’s tweet, she accidentally made an innocent typo linking the sentence “this.fkn.team”. However, it wasn’t long until some genius made the most of it, and bought the domain to Kerr’s accidental link.

The linked video shows a little girl saying “it’s a fucking goat” followed by footage of Kerr scoring that perfect second goal with a header.

If you’re on a computer, the link might not work for you. But a cheeky switch to your phone should fix the issue.

Even Kerr thought it was hilarious.

The original meme vid comes from Twitter page, @TheRealALM who wrote that “whoever bought that domain and links it with the tweet is he real (goat emoji)”.

The Matildas will face off against Sweden in the semi-finals on Monday August 2 at 9pm. Sweden beat the team 4-2 in the group stage, but after the Matildas stunning win on Friday – they may smash it out of the ball park again.

Image: Getty Images / Atsushi Tomura

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