So…What’s A Skin Tag And How Can I Get Rid Of It?
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Even if you’ve never noticed them on others, skin tags are very common. Around 60 percent of adults will develop at least one skin tag in their lifetime, probably after age 40, according to a 2022 StatPearls report.
Noticing a cluster of dangly skin on your body is never not concerning. While it might be tempting to pull them off or look up home remedies on how to remove skin tags without booking a visit with your derm, you’ll want to save the removal procedure for your doc (trust us).
Meet Our Experts: Dendy Engelman, MD, FACMS, FAAD, board-certified cosmetic dermatologist, Joshua Zeichner, MD, associate professor of dermatology and director of cosmetic & clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital, Blair Murphy Rose, MD, FAAD, board-certified dermatologist
Here, dermatologists give us the low-down on what exactly skin tags are, how to safely remove them, and if they’re ever a sign of something more serious.
What Is a Skin Tag?
Skin tags (medically known as acrochordons) are small growths on your skin that sort of resemble a mole. They range in size but are usually between 1 to 5 millimeters and are the same color as your skin. While they may not be as sightly as, say, a well-placed beauty mark, you’ll be relieved to know that they’re totally harmless.
“Skin tags are formed as a result of excess cells growing on top of each other on the surface of the skin, usually when skin rubs together for a long period of time,” says Dendy Engelman, MD, FACMS, FAAD, a board-certified cosmetic dermatologist.
Theoretically, anyone could get a skin tag, but because they’re caused by skin-to-skin friction, they tend to appear more often in people who are overweight or have skin folds (like older adults), Dr. Engleman says. That’s also why skin tags are more common around the neck, underarms, and eyelids—areas prone to more friction from skin or clothing.
But there’s a genetic component involved, too: “Skin tags can pop up even in slender patients, and there is commonly a family history of others having them as well,” says Joshua Zeichner, MD, associate professor of dermatology and director of cosmetic & clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital.
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“While you can’t change your genetics, maintaining a healthy body weight with diet and exercise will make it less likely that you will develop skin tags,” Dr. Zeichner tells us. Gently toning, exfoliating, and applying lotion or oil to keep your skin hydrated and smooth might also help, Dr. Engelman adds.
How To Get Rid of Skin Tags
OK, so staying at a healthy weight and indulging in some self-care might play a role in preventing skin tags, but what if you already have one? Is there anything you can do to safely remove it?
First off, step away from the scissors and go ahead and book that overdue derm appointment. Skin tags should always be removed by a board-certified dermatologist using a clean technique and in a sterile environment—so, no, not at home, says Blair Murphy Rose, MD, FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist. “There’s a much higher risk of adverse effects if attempted at home, including an increased risk of infection and poor outcome [like bleeding],” Dr. Murphy adds.
How Dermatologists Remove Skin Tags
Dermatologists very frequently remove skin tags, and there are several different methods your doc might use to remove them:
Excision: This involves cutting off the skin tag, usually with medical-grade scissors or a scalpel, Dr. Engleman says. This method works best if the skin tag is small and attached to the skin with a thin stem (as opposed to being very low to the skin). While it may sound unsettling, it’s usually an almost-painless removal method—and most folks feel nothing more than mild, quick pain, similar to a pinprick, Dr. Engleman reassures us.
Electrocautery: “With the electrocautery (also known as cauterization) method, a special electronic tool is used to burn off the skin tag,” Dr. Engleman says. “This results in the complete removal of the skin tag.” It can be painful, so local anesthesia is usually given. This method is usually used on larger skin tags, Dr. Rose tells us.
Cryotherapy: “Smaller tags are often treated by freezing with liquid nitrogen,” Dr. Rose says. Applying liquid nitrogen to the skin tag kills the cells, and the skin tag will eventually fall off, Dr. Engleman explains. This method is not as fast-acting as excision or electrocauterization, and may require several appointments with your derm. Also good to know: Freezing off the skin tag causes temporary, mild discomfort (just imagine the sensation of briefly getting too close to liquid nitrogen!).
That said, don’t expect your insurance to cover your derm visit.
“In my experience, most insurance companies will only cover skin tag removal if the tags are symptomatic (itching or bleeding or getting caught on jewelry or snagged on clothing or affecting vision, for example),” says Dr. Rose. “If they are not symptomatic, skin tag removal is considered a cosmetic procedure and not usually covered by insurance.”
If you don’t have a dedicated dermatologist, give your primary care physician a call to find out if they can remove your skin tag.
Can Skin Tags Be Cancerous?
Most skin tags that develop in areas like the neck or underarms are completely harmless. Here’s a little more reassurance: The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute states that it’s “extremely rare” for skin tags to become cancerous. Still, all of the derms we spoke to recommend getting any new or changing spots checked out by a board-certified dermatologist to be safe.
“While skin tags are very common and may easily be identified, it is best to visit your dermatologist if you notice a new mark on your skin that you are unsure about,” Dr. Engleman says. Skin cancers take many different forms, and it can be difficult to correctly identify signs of skin cancer without having them looked at by a doc.
That especially holds true if your skin tag is rapidly growing or changing, or if it starts to bleed, Dr. Zeichner says. These may be signs of something more serious. In fact, it’s not uncommon to mistake a cancerous growth for a skin tag. So you’ll want to get the unsightly growth checked out to confirm that it is, indeed, just a cosmetic nuisance.
“What may look like a benign tag to the untrained eye can actually be something else,” Dr. Rose warns us. “Warts, including genital warts, can closely resemble skin tags. Warts are contagious and can be spread to other parts of your body and to other people.” Warts and skin tags are both very common and can pop up seemingly out of nowhere, so it can be difficult to tell them apart (so leave it to the pros!).
The bottom line: It’s always better to be safe than sorry if you notice something new on your skin.
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