Slovenia special event
lotw #lotw

Ziga, S55KZ, will be active as S5530KZ between June 26th and December 31st, to celebrate 30 years of independence of the Republic of Slovenia.
QSL via the Bureau or LoTW.
Also, Look for Milos, S54G, to be active as S5430G. QSL via S54G.
ADDED NOTE (Reminder):Slovenian Amateur Radio Union will celebrate the country’s 30 years of Independence by issuing a special award. It will be eligible to all amateur radio enthusiasts all over the World. For this event only, start-ing June 26th, 0000z and until December 31st, 2021, 2359z, the Slovenian amateur radio stations can use special callsigns with an added number”30″ into the suffix. For example: S50ZZ will be S5030ZZ, S51A will be S5130A, S57XXX will be S5730XXX etc…..
For more details, see: