January 27, 2025

Show up and be present, like Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene #MaryMagdalene

Mary Magdalene understood the ministry of presence. Her life is a testament to the truth that God calls us to show up for one another, not just in the moments of celebration, but also in times of despair and grief.

In the week ahead, on July 22, we honor what is called the “Lesser Festival of Mary Magdalene.” The “major festivals” are days like Christmas, Good Friday, Easter and Pentecost. “Lesser festivals” are opportunities to reflect on the lives and legacies of special people like Mary.

All four of the Gospels acknowledge Mary Magdalene.

When Jesus was traveling around cities and villages proclaiming the good news, Mary was there. When Jesus was murdered, Mary was standing near the cross with his mother and aunt. She was present as his lifeless body was placed in an empty tomb and a boulder was rolled in front of the entrance. And Mary was the first to have an encounter with the risen Jesus.

Mary showed up. She didn’t pick and choose when to be a friend to Jesus and the other people who were part of the movement. She was consistent through the good and the bad; the beautiful and the terrible.

While she’s mentioned in all four Gospels, very few of her actual words are recorded. I have little doubt that Mary had a wise, discerning voice. I wonder if Mary was less interested in having all the right words at all the right times. Instead, perhaps she recognized that following the path of Jesus was much more about presence. More being than knowing. More openness than ego.

I wonder how Mary would navigate this present reality were she among us today. We know little about her history other than in the Gospel of Luke, where she was referenced as someone whom Jesus healed. This tiny detail actually reveals a lot. Mary had known suffering and likely isolation brought on by her infirmity. This suggests that prior to knowing Jesus, Mary had already experienced the lived realities that usually accompany uncertainty.

In my experience, people who have persevered through great unknowns often have a wellspring of compassion upon which they navigate the world. Mary sounds like one such person. I imagine Mary’s guidance today would be a lot like her guidance long ago. Maybe something like: “Keep showing up for one another, even when it’s hard. Prioritize listening to and caring for those among you experiencing acute suffering. Believe in possibility even when it all feels daunting and insurmountable.”

A prayer for the week ahead and especially July 22: “God, who carefully holds the stories of all your people, your steadfast presence is revealed in Mary Magdalene’s life. As we remember her this week, stir up in us her courage. Equip us in new ways to keep showing up to life even when everything feels complicated. Thank you for the movement of your spirit, which insisted that Mary’s name get a place in the canon. Empower us to honor and celebrate the ways she reflected divine compassion. Amen.”

“Holy Everything” is a weekly column by Emily Carson. She is a Lutheran pastor serving at the Southeastern Minnesota Synod Office in Rochester. Visit her blog at emilyannecarson.com.

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