Senators’ owner Eugene Melnyk says priority is to stay in Kanata, but he’s looked at sites in Gatineau
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Bruce Garrioch Canadian Tire Centre in Ottawa Photo by Tony Caldwell /Postmedia Article content
Eugene Melnyk hasn’t given up on the hope of a building a new home for the Ottawa Senators.
Speaking on the Bob McCown podcast with the legendary broadcaster and well-respected co-host John Shannon, the Senators’ owner indicated he’s putting plans in place for a new rink on 70 acres of land he owns located close to where the Canadian Tire Centre currently stands and if that doesn’t work out he’d look at building a rink in Gatineau.
While he confirmed any chance of moving to LeBreton Flats is dead, Melnyk would prefer to stay in Kanata but he made it clear he’s had just about enough of trying to deal with Mayor Jim Watson and he doesn’t believe he’s being treated fairly by the people at city hall.
“As far as LeBreton Flats is concerned, we’re nowhere, we’re not involved anymore,” said Melnyk, who was celebrating the 6th anniversary of his liver transplant. “That was a bad dream that ended up in court. We had a horrible partner. I didn’t know this person and out of the blue the previous management signed him up.
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“I have 70 acres of land around the arena, and the 16 years I’ve owned the team, Ottawa has grown west towards Kanata. That 26-minute drive that felt like forever is no longer a big deal. I’ve spent enough time in Toronto to know what traffic is. I like it out in Kanata, but if I can’t get anything done there I’ve also had proposals of still staying in the Ottawa area but going across the river into Gatineau.
“There’s some beautiful land with beautiful backdrops and it’s closer to downtown but I’m still committed to Kanata and I’m looking at sometime in the next three-to-five years committing to one (area) or the other. I’m going to have to build a new arena. I have to have a new arena in about seven years from now.”
Melnyk said with the age of the Canadian Tire Centre it doesn’t make sense to stay in the building and it has lifespan of about 40 years. He said the club just spent more than $10 million upgrading the HVAC system.
“Either we build another stadium out in Kanata, on our own property that we own, or there’s a great deal that comes from the other side of the river,” said Melnyk.
McCown pointed out though that people in Ottawa don’t always like to cross into Gatineau to attend events but he doesn’t believe there’s any point trying to deal with Watson or city hall anymore.
“I’ve not had the easiest time in the city of Ottawa. Not with the fans, believe it or not, there’s a hierarchy in that city and it’s political yes,” Melnyk said. “I just read literally an hour ago, here I am paying through the nose in taxes out there and they just gave the Porsche dealership $2.6 million tax free.
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“I’m going, well wait, and they’re saying it’s because of all the economic benefits. What economic benefits? He’s selling god damn Porsches. Give me a break, give me the tax break. I’m dying out here. I’ve got no fans and I’m still trying to put on a show for everybody. My point is, it’s about fairness, and it’s not even the money, it’s the fairness. If I feel I’m being unfairly treated, I don’t want to come to this part.”
Melnyk restated he’d rather stay in Kanata but doesn’t see Gatineau as the hurdle that McCown does.
“I’m going to do everything I possibly can. I don’t see see that border (being an issue),” said Melnyk. “Many people live in Gatineau and commute into Ottawa. By far, my No. 1 preference is I want to stay in Kanata, but when you’re reading stuff like I did an hour ago about a Porsche dealership. Really? You just gave a Porsche dealer his new dealership and he’s got two.
“He’s not going to sponsor me anymore but I just don’t think I’m treated fairly and we’re going to have to talk about it.”
Melnyk said he has ruled out going to LeBreton Flats but noted there’s a “federal site that’s attractive has well.” There has been speculation that may be located near the baseball stadium on Coventry Rd. where the old RCMP headquarters is located, but it’s not known if that’s what he’s talking about.
“They haven’t gotten approval yet, and that’s kind of why I’m waiting, that they’re going to have the LRT go all the way to Kanata and we would be a stop,” said Melnyk. “If that happens, that’s a big plus because then you take away the drive and we can use some of the parking, so there’s a lot of moving parts right now.
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“Just give us some team, we’ve got our rebuild almost complete and now we can start focusing on on our arena and everything that can go around arena. I’m 75-to-80% on staying in Kanata, I’m just saying there’s another option to move to another part of Ottawa or even across the river. These are just options. I’m just giving it all out.”
Melnyk said he met with a developer on the weekend who has a plan for redevelopment in Kanata which would include hotels and condominiums. He said the rink should be in the 15,000-seat range.
“People are starting to cluster out to Kanata. There’s massive development going on out there,” said Melnyk.
Twitter: @sungarrioch
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