September 23, 2024

Scott Morrison says he’s listening to women, warns media they ‘sit in glass houses’ – video

Morrison #Morrison

The prime minister, Scott Morrison, says he has listened to Australian women over Parliament House sexual misconduct allegations saying women have had to put up with ‘rubbish’ and ‘crap’ their entire lives. The press conference came after reports of staffers committing solo sex acts on a female MP’s desk, the most recent allegation sparked by Liberal staffer Brittany Higgins’ rape allegation.  The PM became emotional while talking about his daughters and the need to change sexual harassment and discrimination,  ‘I say to you girls, I will not let you down’. Morrison also went on the attack when asked if he should step down after Higgins’ alleged she was raped inside Parliament House. Morrison warned News Corp journalists ‘feel free to make criticism and to stand on that pedestal’

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