January 23, 2025

ScoMo No Mo’: A Collection Of Cooked Memes About The Cook Member’s Glorious Retirement

Scomo #Scomo

When former Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced that he would be resigning from politics on Tuesday, the entire nation froze for a moment as they remembered he was still in Parliament. Then they realised what this announcement meant, and let out a sigh of relief.

Morrison has been one of Australia’s most polarising political figures from recent history. Some folks thought he was one of the laziest most useless leaders we’ve ever had, and others thought he was an incredible example of all the things wrong with politics. Like I said, polarising.

Reactions to Scott Morrison’s resignation

But now with the news of his resignation, the world has felt like it has shifted. Suddenly Satan’s chokehold over humanity has loosened. The skies now appear brighter, and the birdsongs sound sweeter. Who knows what other good things are in store? Life is good again.

So off the back of the energy and optimism we suddenly have, here is a collection of how the people around the people memed Scott Morrison’s resignation.

Gone, but not missed

Satirical publication The Shovel, run by comedian James Schloeffel, was quick to the story, and made hilarious observations on how many people will miss the infamous Scotty From Marketing.

Multiple ministries, multiple resignations

One of Morrison’s many, many controversial moments actually came out after he lost the federal election, when it was revealed he’d secretly appointed himself the head of various cabinet ministries.

It’s not illegal, but it’s pretty cooked — which makes sense considering that he’s literally the member for Cook.

Many immediate reactions made light of how difficult it must have been for the ex-PM to resign from everything else he secretly assigned himself to.

Scotty’s greatest hits

Whenever you farewell someone it’s always kind to remember them for their greatest moments.

Unfortunately, Scott’s greatest moments must be vacationing in Hawaii right now, so all anyone can think of are some of the most unhinged things he said or did to make fun of.

Such as the time living legend Grace Tame gave Scott the side-eye of his life. Thank Grace for your service, (and meme)

Credit: @tamepunk Instagram.

Or like that time he bragged about not shooting women.

Or that time he almost “saw the light” while welding.

And who could forget that time he became a hairdresser for a day?

Credit: @the_shovel_ Instagram.

Or his favourite catchphrase: “That’s not my job.”

What’s next for Scotty From Marketing?

Morrison may be leaving politics (finally), but what lies ahead? Some meme wizards began speculation, including The Betoota Advocate.

Credit: @betootaadvocate Instagram.

He also shared that he wanted to spend more time with his family after politics. Which was confusing to some.

Meanwhile others used the opportunity to call for a celebration.

Honestly, make today the new Australia Day. I think it’s a date that we could all get behind.

Credit: @betootaadvocate Instagram.

However nobody put it better than the man himself, Scott Morrison.

Here’s what a Scott Morrison account had to say on X about the announcement.

Even though it says it’s a parody, you can’t tell me this isn’t what the real Scott is thinking too.

At the top of your game indeed Scott. Never dropped the ball for a moment.

Though you did drop that kid that one time…

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