January 24, 2025

SATURDAY SALUTE: It’s always a good time to clean up

Good Saturday #GoodSaturday

A hearty Saturday Salute goes this week to Kevyn Hetrick, who has taken it on himself to start a movement aimed at cleaning up the Tri-Cities.

Starting by himself in Grand Island, he has picked up bag after bag of trash farom around town. But he has been posting on Facebook about what he’s doing, trying to enlist others in an ongoing effort.

“By the end of the year I want to get the Tri-Cities as clean as possible,” Hetrick said. “Then in five years I want to make Nebraska a clean state.”

One person can’t clean up even one whole town, but through social media, he may be able to get something going that extends past the communitywide cleanup organized each August in Grand Island by the Clean Community System.

Hetrick said he hopes to soon have a fleet of friendly faces supporting his goal to clean up Grand Island. He also mentioned finding a space to sort recyclables.

All this started, he said, because he was bored. But it is extremely commendable that, instead of wasting his time or doing something just to benefit himself, he dedicated himself to a community service project.

We also salute Herman Plumbing and its manager, Erin Harston, who have been helping Hetrick get going with his project, supplying trash bags and gloves, as well as a place to cool off after he’s been out picking up trash on a hot day.

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