December 23, 2024

Sammy Carlson Names New Mind-Melting Trick: The ‘Tree 60’

Sammy #Sammy

Professional skier Sammy Carlson is a bit of a wizard when it comes to blending freestyle with challenging backcountry lines.

In this clip, Carlson laces a mind-melting move he calls the “Tree 60.”

Carlson certainly makes it look easy, but rest assured, this stunt was far from simple. Launching 360s off anything other than manicured park jumps is already a significant challenge, but managing to pop and set a spin while you’re already mid-air? That’s another level.

The “Tree 60” clip comes from Carlson’s latest film, KAMASE, which, to mince words, is fantastic. It’s another offering that establishes Carlson as a long-running freeskiing great. Few match his consistency, talent, and longevity.

Tune in below to watch KAMASE in full.

In the pursuit of learning more about Carlson’s current status and his latest film, POWDER caught up with him before the film’s release. We talked about everything from KAMASE to Carlson’s fitness regime, which he calls “ninja training.” Click here to check out the interview.

Related: Sammy Carlson Talks His Mind-Blowing New Film

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