January 24, 2025

Ruth Jeno For District 6 Hamilton County Commissioner – And Response (2)


Ruth Jeno is a civic-minded Red Bank commissioner who is a candidate for District 6 Hamilton County commissioner. She has an extensive history in Red Bank and has been a positive force for the greater good in our city.

 For example, she led the plan for our donation-supported Joe Glascock Community Center. Her additional service includes Red Bank Food Pantry and Jubilee, just to name two. There are too many activities to name in this post (Check her website).

She is an humble lady who serves with excellence, poise and conviction. I appreciate that Ruth stands for our city of Red Bank being managed like my household: living within my means.

Thank you for voting Ruth Jeno as our District 6 Hamilton County commissioner on Thursday, Aug. 4, at your designated precinct.

Jamie Fairbanks Harvey

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I have never known a more dedicated person than Ruth Jeno.  She has a servant’s heart and continually shows up to events that benefit our community.  I first met Ruth as she was spreading mulch at the Alpine Crest playground years ago.  Then she became active in a program that I sponsor called Valentines for Veterans, where she has literally made hundreds of homemade cards of appreciation for our precious veterans.   In addition, Ruth has attended every blanket-making party that we have coordinated for children facing surgeries for severe scoliosis and cancer. 

I have also witnessed first-hand her work on the Red Bank Commission.  She always conducts herself professionally, even when under direct attack, and refuses to compromise when issues negatively affect the people who elected her.  She is true to her word and fights for conservative decisions.  On her watch, starting on the south end, Red Bank has boomed, property values have increased, main thoroughfares have been paved and updated, and countless properties cleaned up.

I will be voting for this proven leader for Hamilton County Commissioner because Ruth Jeno shows up.

Link Sparks

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Some years ago Commissioner Ruth Jeno and Mayor Joe Glascock learned that the senior citizens of Red Bank needed a permanent place to socialize, exercise, and have fellowship, and after much discussion, decided to utilize a pavilion off of Morrison Springs Road.  They developed a plan to build a building in the footprints of the old pavilion.  In a few months there was a beautiful building for seniors and others to enjoy.  Joe, Ruth, and others made it all happen.

The many uses for the building have grown over the years, but, as promised, the seniors always have two days scheduled just for them.

Ruth Jeno has worked tirelessly for the betterment of Red Bank for many years.  Her common sense approach to solving problems has brought forth good results.  She cares for the people in Red Bank and Hamilton County and will look out for their best interests.  Her Christian faith is a wonderful attribute that guides her in life and in all that she does.

Ruth Jeno will not disappoint Hamilton County residents.  Please vote Ruth Jeno for Hamilton County Commissioner.

You won’t be sorry.

Mrs. Joe (Billie) Glascock

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