September 22, 2024

Retribution Loses to The Hurt Business, Then Get Attacked By The Fiend

The Fiend #TheFiend

Monday Night Raw turned out to be a rough night for Retribution. The masked group opened the show by surrounding Alexa Bliss and The Fiend after they made their way to the ring, only for the demonic force to disappear after the lights went. The group then lost an eight-man tag match against The Hurt Business when T-Bar submitted to Bobby Lashley’s The Hurt Lock.

Wyatt then reappeared and attacked Retribtuion, locking in the Mandible claw whenever he got the chance. Eventually he tried to hit Mustafa Ali with Sister Abigail, only for T-Bar to make the save and get attacked himself.

Since debuting, Retribution has only taken part in two matches and has lost both times. There was also no mention made by Ali regarding his involvement in the hacker storyline from earlier this year, which was reportedly apart of the plan for Raw on Monday morning.

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